I'm OK. Just got a notice about my tenth high school reunion, and I'm debating whether or not to go. Right now, I'm leaning toward no -- I'm still in touch with the few people from high school that I want to be in touch with, and I don't think I could handle seeing quite a few of the others without way more alcohol than would make it safe for me to drive home afterwards.
Also, getting a wisdom tooth. At age 29. Because, at this point, I think my body has just decided that it's fun to screw with me.
Hil, Facebook exists so you never have to go to a reunion you don't actually want to go to.
Will someone please inform my body that I need more than three hours sleep after a stressful day?
I will for yours, if you will for mine.
Erin, I'm sorry to hear the insomnia fairy is bothering you too.
It's not even the fairy at this point; we're conjoined twins.
Le sigh.
I found a good distraction (xposted in literary: 5ftshelf.com)
Erin, that site won't let me sign up on the crackberry, but I will definitely be playing with it next time I turn on my computer.
Hey, remember that discussion of sciatica that happened not that long ago?
Well, how does it feel?
Because - I randomly started having a pain that I first noticed going up my left shin and then across the top of my thigh and ending right around my left hip. It's not going away. (I took a couple Tylanol Arthritis - hoping that would help.)
Is that what sciatica does? Or anyone have any other ideas?
Today's 'Wake Up With Fry & Laurie' (there's not much Hugh) is dedicated to the insomniac Bitches. 'Go To Sleep With Fry & Laurie', if you will. [link] Language, baby.
sumi, I know nothing about sciatica, but I hope your pain improves. Can you get checked out by a doctor?
I'm thinking about applying to a PhD Disability Studies program in Chicago. Or at least inquiring into it.
I am crazy.
But I'm thinking about it.