I'm supposed to deliver you to the Master now. There's this whole deal where I get to be immortal. Are you cool with that?

Xander ,'Lessons'

Spike's Bitches 45: That sure as hell wasn't in the brochure.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risqué (and frisqué), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

beth b - Nov 16, 2009 6:21:21 pm PST #715 of 30000
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!

well, actually I said the word fernet and Matt went and poured it

Pix - Nov 16, 2009 6:38:04 pm PST #716 of 30000
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie


Hil R. - Nov 16, 2009 6:55:57 pm PST #717 of 30000
Sometimes I think I might just move up to Vermont, open a bookstore or a vegan restaurant. Adam Schlesinger, z''l

Why sigh, Kristin?

Pix - Nov 16, 2009 6:59:30 pm PST #718 of 30000
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie

Amazing photographer friend who agreed to take ceremony pics is having a bit of a money-induced flake out--which would be fine, except we've already spent 47K airline miles to get her ticket to Hawaii, and now I don't know if we're going to be able to make it work. I'm trying to figure out what I can do.

Hil R. - Nov 16, 2009 7:02:45 pm PST #719 of 30000
Sometimes I think I might just move up to Vermont, open a bookstore or a vegan restaurant. Adam Schlesinger, z''l

Yikes. Hope you can figure something out.

Pix - Nov 16, 2009 7:05:14 pm PST #720 of 30000
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie

Yeah. It will be fine. Just making me fret a bit. Thanks for asking.

How are you (apart from normal advisor shenanigans)?

Hil R. - Nov 16, 2009 7:09:17 pm PST #721 of 30000
Sometimes I think I might just move up to Vermont, open a bookstore or a vegan restaurant. Adam Schlesinger, z''l

I'm OK. Just got a notice about my tenth high school reunion, and I'm debating whether or not to go. Right now, I'm leaning toward no -- I'm still in touch with the few people from high school that I want to be in touch with, and I don't think I could handle seeing quite a few of the others without way more alcohol than would make it safe for me to drive home afterwards.

Also, getting a wisdom tooth. At age 29. Because, at this point, I think my body has just decided that it's fun to screw with me.

amych - Nov 16, 2009 7:18:57 pm PST #722 of 30000
Now let us crush something soft and watch it fountain blood. That is a girlish thing to want to do, yes?

Hil, Facebook exists so you never have to go to a reunion you don't actually want to go to.

Hil R. - Nov 16, 2009 7:27:22 pm PST #723 of 30000
Sometimes I think I might just move up to Vermont, open a bookstore or a vegan restaurant. Adam Schlesinger, z''l

Very good point, amych.

sj - Nov 16, 2009 8:03:31 pm PST #724 of 30000
"There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea."

Will someone please inform my body that I need more than three hours sleep after a stressful day?