All right, yes, date and shop and hang out and go to school and save the world from unspeakable demons. You know, I wanna do girlie stuff!

Buffy ,'Same Time, Same Place'

Spike's Bitches 45: That sure as hell wasn't in the brochure.  

[NAFDA] Spike-centric discussion. Lusty, lewd (only occasionally crude), risqué (and frisqué), bawdy (Oh, lawdy!), flirty ('cuz we're purty), raunchy talk inside. Caveat lector.

Stephanie - Nov 15, 2009 5:42:22 pm PST #591 of 30000
Trust my rage

We met them at church. We go to this Wednesday night dinner before Ellie's choir and they were there. The thing about tonight was that she was supposedlyin the hospital with preterm labor and had a seizure. Her boyfriend works at night and according to him, they don't know anyone else. So while I would never invite her over, he framed his request as her spending the night alone and possibly seizing again v. sleeping here. It's so overreaching but I just couldn't see myself saying no, if it were true. But now they have our address, although we are in the phonebook.

You know, if we had decent healthcare this probably would not have happened. I can't believe, if it's true, that the hospital sent home a woman with preterm labor and seizures.

Cashmere - Nov 15, 2009 5:50:32 pm PST #592 of 30000
Now tagless for your comfort.

You know, if they're members of the church, I would suggest talking to someone there. My sister's community church is VERY good about providing assistance to members. You could always call the church and ask their office or outreach service to call the couple and offer assistance.

It would also be a good way of "vetting" the people, per se or finding out if they're on the up and up.

Polter-Cow - Nov 15, 2009 5:52:52 pm PST #593 of 30000
What else besides ramen can you scoop? YOU CAN SCOOP THIS WORLD FROM DARKNESS!

the brief stop was like a fun little holiday into a land of awesome toys and graphic novels and craziness (one wall is crooked and the kitchen looks like an abandoned Escher sketch! there's a real honest-to-God attic with a ladder that pulls down from the ceiling, and musty-smelling warm air with dust motes dancing in the light from the single window, and bare roof beams, and mysterious boxes!). She was quite thoroughly charmed and charming.

Wow, my apartment has never seemed so interesting. Everybody come visit!

Anyhow, the car is now clean and Uncle Neil can ride around in it anytime he wants.


Burrell - Nov 15, 2009 5:59:05 pm PST #594 of 30000
Why did Darth Vader cross the road? To get to the Dark Side!

I can't believe, if it's true, that the hospital sent home a woman with preterm labor and seizures.

At the least, I would think they'd ask if her she had someone who could look after her.

I'm sorry Stephanie. It sounds like a frustrating situation.

Hil R. - Nov 15, 2009 6:43:28 pm PST #595 of 30000
Sometimes I think I might just move up to Vermont, open a bookstore or a vegan restaurant. Adam Schlesinger, z''l

I am an idiot. Just noticed a spelling mistake on my teaching statement, which I already sent out to quite a few schools. (Luckily, most of them are electronic applications, and I can replace it with no problem. The paper ones, I'll just figure there's nothing I can do -- sending a new copy to fix a spelling error seems sillier than just having the error in the first place.)

Trudy Booth - Nov 15, 2009 7:23:48 pm PST #596 of 30000
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

Hil, all those deeply-accented foreign-born math professors may be paying off for you riiiiiight NOW.

Hil R. - Nov 15, 2009 7:28:25 pm PST #597 of 30000
Sometimes I think I might just move up to Vermont, open a bookstore or a vegan restaurant. Adam Schlesinger, z''l

It's a German word. I got one syllable right, but spelled the other syllable phonetically in English. Just one letter wrong. I don't think very many people have actually read it yet, anyway, since only a few deadlines have passed, and my application is still officially incomplete because my letters of recommendation aren't in yet.

Seska (the Watcher-in-Training) - Nov 15, 2009 11:18:04 pm PST #598 of 30000
"We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?"

Wake Up With Hugh Laurie: not many Brits got to break into the American market via the medium of 'Friends'. [link]

Seska (the Watcher-in-Training) - Nov 15, 2009 11:46:05 pm PST #599 of 30000
"We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?"

Cheerios (which I am currently eating, soon to be followed by second cup of tea of the day).

smonster and others who were interested in Glee's portrayal of disability - it has nothing to do with Glee, being British-TV-based, but this article is interesting in terms of disabled charaters being played by non-disabled actors: [link]

And I really will post stuff about the social model when I'm more awake.

hippocampus - Nov 16, 2009 3:04:42 am PST #600 of 30000
not your mom's socks.

Happy Birthdays and weekends and Stephanie what a stink situation. I'd ask at church too - that's a good way to let the church leaders know a member of the community needs assistance.

HKfan got a desk for her birthday which she was very excited about mainly because then she had an entirely shiny new surface to cover with large hello kitty stickers from her favorite cousin K and K's Mom Sparky and Dad.

ION we officially have had Too Much Birthday.