That era was big on digestibility"
And yet the benefits of fiber were not unknown. In "Murder Must Advertise" Sayers managed to slip in a snarky on comment on how modern commerce extracts the fiber from flour to make white bread and then sell that same bran at a high markup as a nutritional supplement. Can't remember offhand whether one of the characters said it or whether it was a comment in "author omniscient" narrative.
Nearly stayed at my mother's another night, as am achy and tired, but we're flying out to Israel on Monday evening and there are things to do, so we drove home. Sleeeeeep now. Overall, a really lovely Christmas - fantastic to see family, not least my adorable 2-year-old niece (who spent the day walking around with a very small doll poking out of her shirt and announcing that this was Baby Jesus who was going to come out of her tummy in April. Taking after her aunt in the normality stakes, then).
like Crisco "It's Digestible!"
And ingredient in one of the more revolting inventions of the "scientific" cooking movement - the Crisco-based "white sauce." Make a roux with Crisco and flour, add milk. No salt, no other seasonings.
(And really, what more proof do we need that the women who pioneered the scientific cooking movement would have been better off in REAL engineering or chemistry courses than shunted into "domestic science"?)
I wonder what regrettable science we're indulging in now.
When EM and I split up there was a very strong bias among family therapists that 50/50 shared physical custody was bad for young children. (Emmett was 2 at the time.) That they needed one house as a primary home, and they advocated something like an 80/20 split. But I had a strong sense that this particular vogue in psychotherapy was just that - another passing trend. Fortunately EM agreed with me and we bucked the experts we consulted and Emmett's better for it, I know.
Oof. I was just going to do the laundry but it started raining. I think I'll start the scalloped potatoes instead.
I wonder what regrettable science we're indulging in now.
You mean other than chocolate-chip pancakes and sausage on a stick?
We have the most amazing landlord ever. As a wedding gift she just waived our January rent.
I wonder what regrettable science we're indulging in now.
Skin care. Hoo-boy, skin care. The amount of ridiculous "science" that is being sold to people in the quest of a youthful appearance is kind of staggering.
ND, that is a fantastic gift.
It's crazy generous. She waived it on both houses.
Dylan is poking the eyes of his toy giraffe so they turn inside out and then showing us and saying "He's crying!"
The rational response to this is to ignore him and continue fucking around on the internet, right?