Nice punctuation, Tep!
Pete, do you love your ghastly Predator head?
I have mostly cleaned up from our dinner for eight last night. EM made a traditional New England clambake for JZ with lobsters, clams and mussels.
I don't really like lobster and clams only in a linguini cream sauce. But I poached off Emmett's steak and had pre-loaded with lots of the insanely tasty pate. Fortunately, all the guests were happy with the seafood feast.
We're having a brief respite before we head off to see JZ's extended family. I'm hoping there will be lamb served among the Greeks.
That's an awesome photo, Teppy!
Alas, further plans for the day have been cancelled due to roads icing over. I'm both bummed and relieved. Also, while not greek, I will be having lamb tonight. Since I am being denied my mom's roast beef, I'm hauling the world's tiniest rack of lamb out of the freezer. With what I have around the house, I can probably make myself a very nice middle-eastern style dinner.
Tep, in light of your most excellent word nerd shirt, thought I'd post this headline I read just a while ago:
Woman knocks down pope at Mass; Christmas celebrations begin
Had Lewis and I howling over the utter inappropriateness.
Woman knocks down pope at Mass; Christmas celebrations begin
Heh. It's like the Running of the Bulls - Christmas hasn't truly begun until the Knocking Down of the Pope....
At least he wasn't hurt.
Watching "Stephen Fry In America". Very low key and cool.
So. Damned. Bored. Can I go home to LA yet?
If you left now, you'd miss my tasty, juicy turkey!
somehow, methinks the turkey is not what's keeping him there {grin}
My xmas gift was to make it through a full night with zero nartoctics, just ani-inflamatories and ambien. i am, however, EXHAUSTED still, as i was all day yesterday. wondering if this is the "grogginess" of which the label spoke, and why it lasts more than 20 hours. bleargh. at work now, muddling things up, wondering if it's better to be alert and potentially getting addicated to narcotics or falling asleep in my seat on the after-effects of ambien. (sure, a speed recovery would be best of all, but the healing she is slow.)
Speaking of turkeys...Major holiday fail.
Just as I began my highly anticipated cooking and cleaning frenzy, I sliced into the fingernail of my pinky.
Bonus: right hand
Bummer: How will I ever debone this 20lb bird one handed?
Bonus: Not so much blood. Weirdly, the cut is only through the nail and beneath.
Bummer: How long will it take the grow out the nail? Lordy. I'll need to bandage it for months.
And whoever thinks dogs aren't keyed into their person's state, might be interested. As I stood in the bathroom, successfully talking myself out of shock symptoms, (the most prominant being nausea), Bartleby walked to the bathroom door and promptly barfed.
Even though I'm mostly okay now, he's still a bit on edge.
How am I going to chop the lbs and lbs of veggies I had planned to stew tonight?
I normally take great pride in my knife skills...
Fuss and bother.