Speaking of turkeys...Major holiday fail.
Just as I began my highly anticipated cooking and cleaning frenzy, I sliced into the fingernail of my pinky.
Bonus: right hand
Bummer: How will I ever debone this 20lb bird one handed?
Bonus: Not so much blood. Weirdly, the cut is only through the nail and beneath.
Bummer: How long will it take the grow out the nail? Lordy. I'll need to bandage it for months.
And whoever thinks dogs aren't keyed into their person's state, might be interested. As I stood in the bathroom, successfully talking myself out of shock symptoms, (the most prominant being nausea), Bartleby walked to the bathroom door and promptly barfed.
Even though I'm mostly okay now, he's still a bit on edge.
How am I going to chop the lbs and lbs of veggies I had planned to stew tonight?
I normally take great pride in my knife skills...
Fuss and bother.
ugh, {{{bonny}}}. much sympathy. i cut through a nail a cuple weeks ago and it is so much more unpleasant than a normal flesh cut. Plus, the skin beneath is all nerves and way more painful than other parts of the finger. Bonus: pinky nails are shorter so should grow out more quickly? Good time to invest in wee bandages:/
way more painful than the rest of the finger.
Sympathy gratefully accepted. And amen to the bandages.
Since I'm committed to finishing this turkey tonight, the pinky is currently swaddled in gauze, taped over with sports tape and covered with one finger of a latex glove.
Alleve helped me get past the initial owey but every time I bump it I am give to snapping,"fuss and BOTHER."
OTOH (see what I did there?), typing with nine fingers is totally doable. Not as hard as expected.
As long as you are careful to hit return with a different finger! LOL. Yeah, mine smarted for a few days now i don't even know it's there until the bandaid falls off and the rough edge snags on something. Double bother! (and great dinner trick: announce a prize for whoever finds the end of your finger in their soup. then laugh maniacally.)
We have finished Ryan's first Christmas and reached Boxing Day. Lunch at my dad's was as expected, the food was excellent but his partner's family was a trial.
Dinner at my sister's was primitive (meatballs and potato chips, really) but the company was lots of fun, and they didn't act like finding somewhere for Ryan to sleep was an I
position. My older rother is doing well. He left his job at the bottle shop to manage the liquor department at a supermarket. It's good to see him with his life in shape. His reaction on beholding the awesomeness of Ryan was pretty impressive too.
So a good day all round. Today we've been to visit my mother's grave, and if the weather improves we might take him to the Canberra Aviary this afternoon.
I had a very lovely Christmas Day if you don't count the asthma attack.
Well, it was on Dec. 1 that I finally got all the splinters out from under my pinky nail. The air pocket from that was about half way up the nail, and now it is mostly grown out. I sympathize with pinky nail injuries.
Glad you are ok now, sj. You ARE ok, now, right?
My xmas gift was to make it through a full night with zero nartoctics, just ani-inflamatories and ambien. i am, however, EXHAUSTED still, as i was all day yesterday. wondering if this is the "grogginess" of which the label spoke, and why it lasts more than 20 hours.
erin, is the Ambien 10 mg? If so, try cutting it in half and seeing if you still get a good night's sleep, without the groggy hangover. My doctor prescribes 10 mg for me, but I cut it in half and that gets me through 7-9 hours easily, with no grogginess the next day.
Woman knocks down pope at Mass; Christmas celebrations begin
That's a thing of beauty.
In addition to pontificating on the semi-colon to The Boy's family all evening (okay, more like 3-5 minutes, in increments of 30 seconds, spread over 6 hours), I also unleashed a torrent of hate for Comic Sans, at which point (of course!), The Boy's brother mildly (and good-naturedly) said, "I use Comic Sans for my work materials."
My only recovery was to say, "It's a free country, but I gotta mention that it's not very readable in a huge chunk of text, like paragraphs, so if you're using it for correspondence, you might want to switch to a serif font."
He wasn't using it for correspondence, just notepads and such. (Which I still don't approve of, but what are you gonna do?) His business card is set in Papyrus, which I almost groaned at, but then he told me that his daughter -- who was in the next room -- had designed them, so I just said, "Oh! Papyrus!"
Festivities are over, and I'm looking forward to chilling for the rest of the weekend, and maybe seeing some movies.
now it is mostly grown out.
I did succeed in eviscerating the turkey one and a half handed.
Thankfully, the cut in on the inside of the nail, so easier to protect.
I'm just paranoid now about keeping it clean/infection free.
My hands are already like sandpaper with the frequent handwashing and winter cold/artificial heat. Doesn't seem to matter what kind of lotion I use.
Le sigh.