I'm cleaning for Christmas.
Scrubbed out the fridge in preparation for EM's arrival, and all the seafood she's bringing for Christmas Eve Dinner.
It'll be Zmayhem plus EM, JZ's mom, and our friend Beth. Seven will be a little crowded around our kitchen table but we've done it before.
EM will sleep over and we'll have Christmas Day together. Later in the early afternoon we'll all head to the East Bay to see JZ's extended family and more eating. Then back home, jiggity jig. For collapsing and (hopefully) Matilda contentedly playing with her haul. EM got her a big wooden dollhouse, and little dollies that go inside and the kitchen set and the bedroom set that go with it. Pretty extravagant.
All presents are got and most are wrapped and many are under the tree. Stockings are stuffed. I just need a little more cleaning off the kitchen table and the bathroom floor.
Aims, do you need some Paypal to get you through til it's fixed? E me.
Thank you, but our Director and CFO busted ass and got us all wire transfers and will be reimbursing everyone any fees that arose from this clusterfuck.
ION, know what smells bad? When you open a whole chicken that sat out all night. 'Scuse me while I a) go throw up and b) figure out what to do for dinner now.
Happy Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas, billytea, to you and yours!
Merry, Christmas to all the Teas! I hope Santa is kind to Ryan.
Aims, Im impressed with your director and CFO. It makes me happy to hear they came through
Ellie got a dollhouse too! We've been doing a present a day since we got to my parents'. That has really helped with the kid/present hype.
We've been doing a present a day since we got to my parents'. That has really helped with the kid/present hype.
Not a bad plan when they're little. We open one small present the night before Christmas.
In the morning we all do stockings first, presents all around, breakfast and then stupor.
We open one small present the night before Christmas.
In the morning we all do stockings first, presents all around, breakfast and then stupor.
We do this, except it goes stockings, breakfast, presents. I think this tradition developed largely because my mom rarely had time to get everything wrapped before breakfast on the day.
my parents always let us open one present on Christmas eve but it was always new robes and slippers.