To top it off, when I got back to my friend's apartment, neither of her roommates were home, so I couldn't get in. I had to wait outside the door for forty-five minutes until one of them returned. It hasn't been the greatest night.
At least I scored some good CDs at Amoeba.
Fuck, P-C. Fucking fuck. I'm very sorry.
FWIW, I agree with Laga.
Okay, I'm staying. I'm crying. I can't leave. I don't want to leave. Not tonight. I need to feel safe.
Wait, you're in LA? Do you want me to come get you?
eh, if you need to feel safe you probably don't want to be in my car on the freeway
crap, plus I totally forgot about the eggnog. But if you need to see a familiar face c'mon down.
I'll be okay. My friend should be here soon. I'll see you tomorrow. I should be all right in the daylight. When's dinner?
because I hate uncomfortable silences...
right now we are watching our favorite Christmas episodes. We just finished The Tick Loves Santa and are starting in on Invader Zim in The Most Horrible X-Mas Ever.
Really we could eat any time. I only have one big meal planned. I'd be ready for guests any time after three. If you're looking for a specific suggestion, how's six? Oh and: you can park in the driveway. Also, you don't have an allergy to down, do you? (that's about pillows, not dinner)
Six sounds reasonable. No allergy to down.