I was in a Jack in the Box restroom, and I heard a couple guys really really want to be let in the door (they had to be buzzed in), and I could hear them enter the restroom. I thought I was in trouble for sneaking into the restroom after someone without being buzzed in.
But then I heard a man say, "Put your hands up and step away from the fucking blowdryer." I didn't hear any cocking gun or anything, and I couldn't really make out the sounds of what happened next, but at that point I was scared out of my goddamn mind. I stayed in my stall, my legs shaking. I took out my wallet and stuffed all the twenties and my credit card into my pocket, just in case. Then I put one twenty back in so it didn't look too suspicious. I kept waiting for someone to knock on the stall door or kick it down or something. I could see some guys outside. I waited for them to leave. I waited and waited and waited until it sounded like people were both leaving and entering without incident, and then I opened the stall door and hoped for the best. There was a guy there, but he did nothing, and I washed my hands and ran the fuck out without drying them.
I want to cry.