Or just that there was a lack of male? Yin and yang?
Exactly this. Both energies are constructive and destructive. Without balance, there is chaos. So they share equally in the turning of the wheel of the year.
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Depending on which brand of Paganism, to which you ascribe, one energy may hold dominance in your heart. (Willow being a noted Wiccan...very female focused) But, in essence, you can't have one without the other.
Does female energy wax and wane with lunar cycles?
This also true. But in a 'closer to the ground', elemental way.
Or just that there was a lack of male? Yin and yang?
Exactly this.
Actually, I was viewing those as different. Male and female, or male and lack of male. Yin and yang, or yang and less yang.
Both energies are constructive and destructive. Without balance, there is chaos.
Chaos vs. order, destruction vs. creative. You can embrace order completely, but you accept destruction and creation. If you go for the creative path, you have to accept chaos and order.
Erisianism/Discordianism in a nutshell.
I really need to be getting stuff done today but so far hiding under a blanket with a cuppa and a book is winning. So tired.
yang and less yang.
I can't say with authority, but I don't think there is ever a time, or situation, where you have a complete lack of one energy vs. another. Just much less...
Connie for the eloquent win!
If you go for the creative path, you have to accept chaos and order.
I always have chaos, whether I accept it or not.
I really need to be getting stuff done today but so far hiding under a blanket with a cuppa and a book is winning.
I'm sorry you're so tired, but oh that sounds heavenly. It's hard to imagine how "getting stuff done" could possibly win against a blanket, a cuppa and a book unless the stuff that needed doing was stuff like "cuddle nephew to bits" or possibly "fly to Paris."
# Not worry about it and just give her a card
this. You shouldn't give up your gift just because she's coming. the gift is for the troupe. A card is fine for her.
Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!
So lunch today is a can of Progresso minestrone soup with half a package off frozen spinach added.