I really need to be getting stuff done today but so far hiding under a blanket with a cuppa and a book is winning.
I'm sorry you're so tired, but oh that sounds heavenly. It's hard to imagine how "getting stuff done" could possibly win against a blanket, a cuppa and a book unless the stuff that needed doing was stuff like "cuddle nephew to bits" or possibly "fly to Paris."
# Not worry about it and just give her a card
this. You shouldn't give up your gift just because she's coming. the gift is for the troupe. A card is fine for her.
Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!
So lunch today is a can of Progresso minestrone soup with half a package off frozen spinach added.
Interview went pretty well- had a good talk with the interviewer, and expressed my desire for the position (entry level resource development researcher) and tried to talk up my general awesomeness as much as possible. Asked a few questions. It's so hard to know how these things go, though!
Question for the hivemind: usually after an interview I send a handwritten note in the mail (I stamp and mail it even if it's going across campus). But with the holiday coming up so soon, I was thinking of sending an email thank you note instead. Thoughts?
I've never felt there's enough time to let snail mail do the talking. I like to get an email in same day or at least within 24 hours. Holiday would make me especially rush.
Welcome to the world, GlamBaby Shane! You are going to have an amazing life with two amazing mommies. Lucky boy!
I have no gift for her.
I would give her a card. You are not obliged to give her a gift, certainly you aren't obliged to give her the gift you bought for yourself.
I'm sorry you're so tired, but oh that sounds heavenly. It's hard to imagine how "getting stuff done" could possibly win against a blanket, a cuppa and a book unless the stuff that needed doing was stuff like "cuddle nephew to bits" or possibly "fly to Paris."
Yeah, it is way too tempting today, especially in the cold. TCG will help me with stuff tonight, and maybe I can locate some motivation tomorrow. Running about last night in the cold cold weather wore me down, and there is something not so good with my back at the moment.
I better news, TCG isn't having an side effects from the new meds today. I wonder how long until he will notice a difference with them?
sj I have never had side effects from the thyroid supplements. I think the only side effects come from taking too high a dose, and mirror the physical effects of being hyperthyroid.