I wonder if having a microwave would help me. If I cook for more than one meal, I can only reheat it easily at work, and I don't take complex meals into work.
No, that's just a lame excuse. I could take more complex meals into work. I'm just in love with my little lunchbox.
I fell into eating/ordering out when I moved to LA, and it's been a damned hard habit to break--when I'm not doing that, I'm just skating by. It's terrible.
I also got out of the habit of ordering in when I lived in VA because all of the delivery food was terrible, and anything decent took way too long.
{{{{{JZ}}}}} I'm sorry.
My nephew just had his mom post the cutest thank you message on my facebook wall. I am ded from the cuteness of it.
IOmemeN, after going to a gazillion stores, I think I finally have all the odds and ends I need for Christmas so that tomorrow I can stay home and put bows on packages and bake, or collapse into a coma, whichever comes first.
I can't decide how I feel about this:
Soldiers could face court martial for getting pregnant
Of course the sensationalist headline neglects to mention that the man is also subject to court martial for " 'becoming nondeployable for reasons within the control of the soldier,' which include 'becoming pregnant, or impregnating a soldier ... resulting in the redeployment of the pregnant soldier.' "
Does the soldier also get court martialed if they're playing a pickup football game and breaks his leg?
Flippantly, I think this should make the case for gay sex among soldiers...
I am totally cutting the moms slack for not posting right away. They need their Shane bonding time!
Nonsense. He hasn't officially been born until it's posted. (Best birth~ma to GC, DW and Shane.)
court martial for " 'becoming nondeployable for reasons within the control of the soldier,'
Birth control works perfectly, of course.
Or are soldiers supposed to be celibate?
Yeah, I'll believe that as soon as I see the guys getting court martialed in equal numbers. Which I highly highly doubt is going to happen.
I haven't read that article, but soldiers aren't allowed to have sex while deployed. Generally, but I assume specifically in this case.
And this may have changed but at least a few years ago, this rule also applied to married couples deployed in the same location.
Sigh. My dad just called and was all "Have you thought about what you want to do while you're here?" and I'm like "Um...WTF?" and he starts talking about the freakin' ART museum. (Of...Indianapolis. I'm not visiting them in NYC or anything). And maybe there's a Barbie Doll exhibit at the Children's Museum. Or have I thought about anything else? My mom invites me to her swimming class. Or am I just going to sit around the whole time? I'm like "Er...yeah? Movies? Shopping? Reading books? It's called a bloody VACATION, and just because I happen to be flying out to spend it with you people for the holidays doesn't mean I don't need one?" And he's like "Well, what are you doing?" and I"m like "Right now I'm frantically doing expense reports so I can be ready to TAKE a vacation, thank you very much!" ARGH. Does he not get that? Has it been so long since he retired? WTF??