Oh, that's right!
Much safe-entry~ma to Shane, and good surgery~ma for GC.
Hil, I'm glad you made it to your folks' home ok. Rough ride, though for a while, eh?
erin_o, I hope the doctor is able to help you promptly.
Seska, that is one stylish cane.
There is a new acid reflux medication, for which I saw a commercial this morning: [link] The rather unfortunately named Aciphex. Yeah, say that out loud a few times.
Not new - DH has been on it for a couple of years. I always assumed it was pronounced "ace-uh-fex" though.
Is the GlamBaby imminent? Whee!
I know that you all have missed my crazy mother stories, so here's a new one.
On Friday, I was supposed to pick her up from her nail appointment, learn how to water her plants while she was away, and she wanted to give me a gift for the people that I am spending Christmas with. For reasons that make sense only to her, she never called me to pick her up. (Even though I called her twice).
She calls me on Sunday to ask about me coming down for the plants. I say very calmly that we're on the tail end of the worst snow storm in DC in a hundred years (not an exaggeration), and I can't drive down there (more likely that I won't, not for some fucking plants). So she tells me how to deal with the plants, we hang up. Then she calls back and says "How am I going to get the present to the Smiths?" I say "I don't know, put it in the mail?" So, she decides to bring it to me. I tell her that I'm leaving the house at 10:30, so she says that she'll be there before then.
So, I'm happily sleeping at 8:15 this morning when the phone rings. I stumble out of bed, but by the time I get to the phone, it's gone to voicemail. I see that it was my mother. I take the handset back to the bedroom so I can listen to the message when it comes up. Then the phone rings again, I pick up and she's crying "I'm here and I've been calling all morning and you won't pick up" I'm confused (cause it's 8:15 and the phone has only rung twice). I throw on a coat and walk downstairs (I couldn't buzz her in because she called from her cell). I open the door and step back for her to come in, and she hands me the bag and says Merry Christmas and just walks away.
Now, if she is true to form, this will be followed by a "you're a terrible daughter" call at some point. She's leaving tomorrow morning for cruise, so it will probably come tonight.
Part of me feels guilty because she's upset, but another part of me says that the problem is of her own making; if she hadn't fucked with the plan, this all would have been taken care of on Friday, and I shouldn't have to schlep down to her house to pick up a gift that she is giving to someone else. Frankly, if we hadn't had plans on Friday, I would have made more effort, but it pissed me off that we had a way that made it easier for everyone, and she decided to change it without discussion (not the first time)
Ooh, it's baby day! Good luck, GC!
ION, it's kid day for me, too. BF's son's flight from Philly Sat. night was, of course, cancelled, so he'll be flying in tonight and we'll pick him up at 9 p.m.
I am nervous, cause now we won't even have a weekend to chillax as the three of us - I'll be like Insta-Not-Really-But-Kinda-A-Stepmom, because Dan has to work Tuesday and Wednesday. Ah, well.
Grrrrr. A coworker was supposed to get me material necessary for a big project we're working on last Monday--yes, a week ago. As of today, nothing. Now she's off on a skiing holiday in Utah or Idaho or suchlike. Wherever it is, her laptop is still in her cube, so she's not going to be sending me material in between ski runs. And the best part is--this material is for a part of the company website that she insisted on adding. I am not feeling kindly toward said coworker.
Vortex, why couldn't she have left the gift at her place so that you could get it when you watered the plants. Either way, I'm sorry you had to deal with that frustration.
Yay, baby day! I can't wait to hear all about Shane.
Ow. Achy today.
Yup. Winter sucks. Especially with all this snow. Just started again here. On the plus side, being stuck inside has been fun today - lots of catching up on TV.
Wishing GC and DW all the best today!
Vortex, that's a 100% completely self-inflicted mess of misery on your mom's part. Under NO circumstances are you to allow yourself to feel guilty about any of it. That's ridiculous.