I just got reunited with my books. The books I left in my ex-flat. There aren't enough words to express the joy. Hello, my carefully selected Resling collection. Hello, my fandom books. Hello, sci-fi. Hello, Yeats and other classics. How I've missed you, you'll never know.
Health~ma, to your mom, erika, and calm~ma for you. Extanded ~ma to the rest of you who need it, job to brackets.
IOON. Does anybody knows why it costs 10$ to subscribe to Wired if you're in the U.S., but 70$ if you're outside of it? Shipping really doesn't cost that much.
It is Saturday. I was wide awake about 5:30. Please explain.
Now that it is getting close to the time I should be getting up, I am getting very sleepy
Now that it is getting close to the time I should be getting up, I am getting very sleepy
Isn't that always the way?
I am up and headed to see "A Christmas Carol" today with TCG, Mom, and Stepdad. I'm hoping we don't get stuck in RI if the snow gets bad. There is too much to do here!
On what, exactly? These aren't FDA non-approved drugs. It's a magazine. I've ordered books, CDs, etc. before. This price sounds ridiculous, and I wonder why.
SNOWPOCALYPSE!! Seriously, the white stuff is coming DOWN. At least 10 inches so far. And that's actual measurements, not some guy "estimating". I would measure it myself, but if I open the balcony door, it will fall into the house!
Pics: [link]
Vortex, the most recent picture I see on there is soup and an animal skull.
Snow Apocalypse of Aught Nine, still coming down hard.
Pics of Pocalypse
Maybe you need to refresh? Others have seen them fine?
Apologies if this has been posted elsewhere, but it's hysterical Dangerous Wands