sj, your nephew is adorable. What a grin!
Remember how my cousin was wanting to get together this weekend before the birth? Well she just called and her twin boys are both sick (feverish) and her older daughter brought a note home saying there was an outbreak of chicken pox at school, so ain't happening. I'm sorry her kids are sick, but glad for the non-stress weekend now.
There's a tall, beefy red-headed lumberjack dude in my office. I think I might wrap him up and send him to juliana for Christmas.
No fair! She already has one! Send him to me, I love redheads!
Oh, GC, that's good.
Calli does not lie - it is indeed snowing. I canceled my pickup of stuff and am thinking about leaving early so I can get to KBD's safely. Any time there is Weather, we can take off work and just have to make it up within 6 months. Of course the makeup rules are assy, but it's doable.
jobma for Matt and reviewma for meara!!!
Job~ma to Matt and review~ma for meara. May you both have great professional experiences in the near future!
Job~ma to Matt and review~ma for meara.
Yes, this!
sj, your nephew is darling.
Send him to me, I love redheads!
Hey, I have a long-haired, redheaded pagan guyfriend who I could send you. He's a sweetie.
So, who wants to help me decide on a corset style? A very talented corset maker has decided to GIVE me a custom corset. Some examples of her work: [link]
Well, we know what color(s) you'll want.
These are the ideas the designer came up with for me:
My first thought is to make you an underbust in your colours with your bat motif for the Gothic Charm School. I thought something in black with the logo done all in crystals. I thought of this as this would be something you could wear to events/readings for GCS to help promote it further.
Then I thought that I could do an overbust of the Ribcage corset but in pink and either silver/ivory bones with the crystal detailing. And instead of the aorta I could put a very elaborate, intricate cupcake.
I also have been thinking since it seems that you wear quite a few vests/jackets of combining your love of vests into a corset vest.
Jilli, I like the Ivy Overbust of the ones in her lj. That's so cool that she's giving you a corset! I want someone to give me a corset!
eta oooo, she has wonderful ideas. I like the logo or cupcake concepts.
The ribcage cupcake corset idea just tickles me no end. I like the logo idea, too, but ... ribcage! With a cupcake instead of a heart!