Job~ma to Matt and review~ma for meara.
Yes, this!
sj, your nephew is darling.
Send him to me, I love redheads!
Hey, I have a long-haired, redheaded pagan guyfriend who I could send you. He's a sweetie.
So, who wants to help me decide on a corset style? A very talented corset maker has decided to GIVE me a custom corset. Some examples of her work: [link]
Well, we know what color(s) you'll want.
These are the ideas the designer came up with for me:
My first thought is to make you an underbust in your colours with your bat motif for the Gothic Charm School. I thought something in black with the logo done all in crystals. I thought of this as this would be something you could wear to events/readings for GCS to help promote it further.
Then I thought that I could do an overbust of the Ribcage corset but in pink and either silver/ivory bones with the crystal detailing. And instead of the aorta I could put a very elaborate, intricate cupcake.
I also have been thinking since it seems that you wear quite a few vests/jackets of combining your love of vests into a corset vest.
Jilli, I like the Ivy Overbust of the ones in her lj. That's so cool that she's giving you a corset! I want someone to give me a corset!
eta oooo, she has wonderful ideas. I like the logo or cupcake concepts.
The ribcage cupcake corset idea just tickles me no end. I like the logo idea, too, but ... ribcage! With a cupcake instead of a heart!
Oh, both the ideas from the designer are pretty brilliant. I think I am leaning towards the bat, because as great as the cupcake design it sounds like if you didn't know about the Ribcage corset it's a reference to it might be a little more befuddling. Which is okay, too. But, dude, sparkly swirly bat corset? Awesome.
I want someone to give me a corset!
Oh, to be an icon. But could we live up to the hype the way Jilli does?
But could we live up to the hype the way Jilli does?
Ahaahahahahaha. I don't feel like an icon. But hey, corset!
I don't feel like an icon.
When you went to that con in Vegas, didn't someone ask you if you were Queen of the Goths?
review ma~~~ meara
and I would not beable to live up to the hype