but at least I don't have a hangover!
It was wicked fun meeting Jesse, despite the crowding and the noise (on a Weds. night? Seriously?). Also, I had never heard Nora's bourbon voice before. And we made our train with plenty o' time to spare (though it did give us a scare getting into Salem by doing the long pause before the station).
Nora's bourbon voice
I have a bourbon voice???
Course you do - rich and sexy.
I have a bourbon voice???
You don't remember saying that ("This is my bourbon voice."), or I wasn't supposed to mention it?
And, needless to say, if the latter, please let me know ASAP.
Ahahahaha! OMG, I do not remember saying that. Man, I'm a weirdo. No problem on mentioning it!
I'd love to hear Nora's bourbon voice or, for that matter, her beer voice.
I did a little checking around and I don't think I can do much better on the alternator. Used/refurbished average around $200 and once you add a battery and labor, you're headed over the hill to the poor house.
Home with cramps and a sick baby.
But like JZ and bedtime the other day, he will only sleep in my arms for so long so I'm appreciating my sick cuddly baby.
In "they grow up too fast" news, Dylan evicted all of his stuffed animals from his new bed last night because "They belong IN THE CRIB!!!" So we put them back in the crib and let him sleep with his "big boy pillow" instead of the little moose pillow he's slept with since he was 6 months old.
Then at around midnight he woke up crying because the big pillow had fallen off the bed, and we gave him the moose pillow back. And I felt much better.
Awww, after Emmett stopped being baby-sized a bit of fever was the best time to cuddle him.
I mean, he always liked to cuddle but he couldn't resist turning it into a wrestling match two seconds after he was snuggled against me. But when he was sick he'd just flop his feverish little body on me.
He still seeks almost constant contact with me, though. If we walk down the street together he'll shrug himself under my arm, sort of like the way a puppy will go through a newspaper to get to you.
Last night he tried to sit in my lap, which is a no-go as he's 5'3" 130 lbs. He's almost JZ sized now.
Emmett and I are the same height. That is just so wrong. He's supposed to be 4'2" tops.
Tonight is my first show at this school. It's 2 one acts. The kids can be great if they decide to be. I hope they decide to be!!