My conversation with Matilda this morning. I had a small, collapsible umbrella in my overcoat pocket.
Matilda: Daddy! You have an umbrella in your pocket. Like....Hagrid!
Me: That's right. Hagrid does have an umbrella in his coat. And he uses it to do spells.
Matilda: You need a magic battery for your umbrella. Then you could do spells too.
Me: I'll look into that. Does Hagrid have a wizard-beard?
Matilda: Yup.
Me: Do I have a wizard-beard?
Matilda: Nope. You have a scruffly.
Jilli, do you look like this? [link]
She's *way cuter* than that doll, IMNSHO.
Am on hold w/ Delta again - it's lasting longer, so I maintain hope that I won't get hung up on again. And you betcha I'm taking the phone survey after.
Jilli, do you look like this? [link]
Oooh, cute dolly! (Tho', you have seen the Jilli Dolly, right? [link] )
She's *way cuter* than that doll, IMNSHO.
Awww, thank you, smonster.
oh my ... over the weekend I saw a young girl wearing a black velvet dress with pink ruffles at the hem and neck. My first thought - Jilli would approve!
Okay, I finally got through to a person. I suspect this person was not located in the contiguous US, but he was very helpful and called up my flight immediately. Emailed me a new itinerary and gave me a confirmation number.
Learn from my mistake, kids - *always* write down the conf. number.
Awwww... who made that?
Devout Dolls! [link]
My friend Thea commissioned it, and Sara (the genius behind Devout Dolls) said "Oh, Jilli! She absolutely needs to be a doll!"
Clovis approves that the MiniJilli has a MiniClovis. Clovis also approves that he's almost taller than the MiniJilli.
Wanted: Someone to save me from an hour long conference call beginning in 25 minutes.
Mine only lasted 7 minutes. Win!
I am glad both smonster's and Seska's airline problems were solved today. Way too late in each case, but better late than never.
ImememeNews, I have to get a bloodtest done Friday (not a big deal), but I have to be severely hypothyroid for said test. I am exhausted today and my brain is turning to mush. I'm going to be a mess come Friday.