Cash, no clue what to say. Just that the mind has wonderful healing powers, and that positive thoughts can go a long way.
ION. Just got a call from head of theater. He's never called me before, and on a Saturday, omg! Well. It seems the gentleman whose name is on our new building has a suite at the new Cowboys stadium. It seems I'm invited to tomorrows game vs Chargers!! OMG!! Squee!! I've never been to a pro football game before. Here's the issue. I'm an Eagles fan, who are currently tied for first with the Cowboys. Would it be bad form to wear my Eagles hoodie in such invited posh situation?
Omnis, break out your "Eagles (and anyone playing against Dallas) Fan" sweatshirt. You know you have one!!
Cashmere, I am sorry about your sister and I truly hope this isn't a miscarriage.
{{Cash and sister}} It's good of you to listen to her even while she is driving you both crazy. I hope this goes better for her than she fears.
Cash, as someone who has been through the miscarriage thing a few times, I'm not sure there is anything you can say/do. Other than listen, I suppose, which is not easy. When I was waiting to know what was happening with my first miscarriage, I was completely consumed by it and wanting to know what was happening. I eventually found a place on the babycenter pregnancy loss boards, which is actually what brought me online. I don't know how much time she spends online but I really found my group to be hugely helpful, plus they were always willing to listen when other people were just tired of hearing me go on and on about it.
Having said that, yes, sometimes there is lots of spotting in pregnancies that end with healthy babies. I think a faint HPT is likely not a good sign, but there's no way to know until you do.
Wow - typing all that took me way back. I am so glad I have the two wonderful children I have now.
My sister had three miscarriages before she had her first child. I cannot even imagine what it must be like to go through that.
Hil, Slashfood has a post up for your nosy co-worker - Hannukah Beer Pairings.
Thanks, everyone.
And Stephanie, thanks for your insight. I realize how ineffective words can be and I just have to be there for her no matter what happens.
Jessica, I can't think of one that sells both off of the top of my head. Maybe the Sally Beauty Supply website?
Maybe the Sally Beauty Supply website?
That was my first guess too, but they only sell Manic Panic and Color Jamz.
I've gotten Special Effects off Amazon before.