this made me laugh
I should have warned you not to go to their website
But if I hadn't gone to the website I wouldn't have believed it.
Mom says some churches encourage their flocks to violence against abortion clinics so why am I surprised? She's good for the perspective sometimes. At least the Quran is an inanimate object.
But still I picture Jesus climbing down from the cross above their altar shaking his head and walking away saying, "you guys have really gone too far."
Question for the other cat owners: Since Leo was outside for hours the other night, should I take him to the vet to get any shots that I previously turned down for him because he's an inside cat?
Ray Bradbury saw and enjoyed the "Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury" video. Picture of RB watching the Youtube.
Original context, but you have to scroll down
Frank Rich on the Islamic cultural center controversy [link] It confirms what I suspected, that it was a complete non-issue until flogged by Fox.
~ma for Frankenbuddha's mom.
So? Is that Ray Bradbury *enjoying* the video? Flabbergasted by the video? Can't tell from one picture.
Witnesses saying enjoying the video. He wrote to her saying he liked it. I'm suspicious about hand placement but pretty sure he would not enjoy himself that much in public.
Zen - if he's not up to date on his rabies and is likely to keep going outside, get that updated. And be prepared to get advantage (or other flea treatment) if you start seeing a lot of scratching or "flea dirt" (teeny dots of dried blood - flea poop). Other than that IDK, my guys are indoor so i tend to scrimp on flea treatment and rabies vaccines.
Thanks, erin. I'm taking extra steps - everything short of wrapping the house in Teflon - to make sure the little Houdini doesn't get outside again, but realistically, until I get the money to get the porch screened in, he might. So, yeah, I think a quick trip to the vet is in order.
No fleas, fortunately.