I hope Drew is home and comfy, by now.
Barb, your story is the stuff of nightmares for me. I'm impressed by both you and Lewis. I'm most deeply impressed, though, that this is the first time you've ever been stung. How did you manage that? I'm a bee(ish thing) magnet. I have bad reactions to the stings, too. Not anaphylaxis, but I swell up at the site, like there's a tumor. Benadryl is good idea. A lot of the pain, I think, comes from the body's rejection of the bee venom (or whatever the heck it is).
That'll give you bees: My mom ATE bees once, when I was a kid. We were going to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island on vacation. We stopped just over the Canadian border for lunch. We'd packed these lovely roles and roast beef, etc. The bees must have flown into her sandwich while she was assembling it. She was stung two or three times on the roof of her mouth. On the upside, the hospital in Saint John, New Brunswick is lovely, even if those terrible socialists took good care of her for free.
I love it when i sneeze and my little cat mews from wherever he is in the house, then comes running to check me over with his big scared eyes and make sure i'm ok.
One of our cats does that. He is the snuggliest cat ever, but after my hysterectomy a couple of years ago, he learned after one request not to try to get on my lap, but to carefully lie next to me. We call him Dr. Zorro.
Gainesville church that is planning on burning the Koran on Sept 11th.
oh dear god please let this not be true
Laga, unfortunately it's very true. Here's the info from Think Progress [link]
oh man I just came from the church's own website. I'ma go cry now.
Yeah. Tolerance is kinda lost on a lot of people.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has them on their hate watch. Evidently they are rather notorious around Gainesville but haven't gotten much national attention until this.
I should have warned you not to go to their website, it's just hatefilled and crazy making.
Laga, I heard it on Daily Show. Freaked. Me. Out! What are we, Nazi's now with the book burning? It freaks me out. We are supposed to be about freedom. Knowledge. Religion. Etc. And to have these folks not only succumbing to the fear mongers, but burning books. Holy book or not, it's burning a book! It will not help us in the international view. We need to build bridges, not burn them!
this made me laugh
I should have warned you not to go to their website
But if I hadn't gone to the website I wouldn't have believed it.
Mom says some churches encourage their flocks to violence against abortion clinics so why am I surprised? She's good for the perspective sometimes. At least the Quran is an inanimate object.
But still I picture Jesus climbing down from the cross above their altar shaking his head and walking away saying, "you guys have really gone too far."