Made a valiant effort to catch up. Glad that someone put in the vibrator movie link given the turn things were taking!
Ugh. Day could have been worse, but it wasn't good. Got my brother to give me a ride to a far away bike shop so I could pick up the bike, which had its gears and grips switched out. Let me brother go since it was mostly downhill home (my knee still hasn't healed so I have to take it easy). Explored on the way home, stopped by Trader Joe's.
Just as I got past Blair HS and its construction site, my bike gets a flat. I have kevlar tires and tire liners to try to prevent flats because even though I know how to fix a flat, my hands aren't strong enough to do it. Grr. Grr. Grr. I *just* had a flat a couple weeks ago so now I gotta pay again to get it fixed.
Give my brother a call, he's not answering. I have to push my bike, loaded with groceries, about a mile and a half to the nearest bike shop to my house. My hands are starting to get a bit numb by this time. I'm also getting sunburned.
Like I said, coulda been worse. Coulda broken down much farther north into Pasadena. Could have forgotten to put sunscreen on in the morning or have stupidly opted for a dark colored tee instead of a white one.
But when I got home I broke out the cheap white zin on the rocks and downed that baby.
Anyone have thoughts on dealing with shoes that are too big?
I'm guessing crazy glue isn't an option? Maybe rubber cement? It comes off easier.
t /no help
A cobbler might be able to re-sew them.
The shoe-repair cobbler, not the pie kind. Though many things can be fixed with pie, shoes are not among them.
Hooray! We get to see D tomorrow! And Nanita in a couple months!
Sparky I have no idea of whom you speak. none whatsoever.
Got a blister on the forced march with the bike as well. Poo.
However, I have now showered the sweat and sunscreen off of me so I'm feeling better. I'm grateful to have someplace to do that.
Wish I had some shoe suggestions but I find no amount of desire to look pretty is worth the blisters and such that I get from shoes that don't fit right. If you're already using insoles and those heel thingies, you're doing as much as can be done, I think.
I always end up kicking off my heels after a couple of hours to dance at most weddings. Granted, most weddings I go to have been close friends, and I bring flipflops and stash under the table or something.
Maybe some of those adhesive corn pads that have more grip, and position them judiciously?
It took about ten minutes and $3 worth of supplies to modify my new shoe so that I can wear it with my brace. I thought these ones would be easy -- just had to tear out the insole (which was glued in) and lengthen the strap. The strap fastens with velcro, so I just got some 5/8 inch velcro from the fabric store and stuck on two pieces. So I now have sorta-pretty shoes that I can wear with the brace!
I went to synagogue. My first time at the synagogue here. The service was Reform, so it was a little different than I'm used to, but the people seemed nice, and so far, I really like the rabbi. They do Friday night services Reform and Saturday morning services Conservative, so I'll go tomorrow, too, and see what that's like. I'm pretty sure I'll be going back. (Not that I have much choice, if I want to go to services at all -- they're the only synagogue for about 70 miles.)