I went to the department secretary to ask about the recommendation she said she didn't receive. She pulled out the folder to show me that there was only one recommendation, two pages. I pointed out that each page had printing on the front and the back, and that those two pages where actually two recommendations, and she had just read the front of one and the back of the other.
So, I have that recommendation now. Still don't have one from my advisor.
I pointed out that each page had printing on the front and the back, and that those two pages where actually two recommendations, and she had just read the front of one and the back of the other.
I . . . don't know what to say. Other than how did you manage not to smack her?
I have to go to a Deans and Directors Luncheon today. Where some suckup will undoubtedly leap to his feet to raise a glass to asshole!boss for his service. And I will have to try not to puke.
good follow through Hil!
he bits of mainstream atheism that are about being pissed off at Christianity go right over my head.)
Despite being raised in a sorta Christian househould, it goes over mine too. It seem to me there might be another religion or two out there that wants to be the one true religion.
ION, Matt and I have been together for 20 years today
Of course, while we were going through these papers, I tried to stay far enough back that I could see the names on the papers but wouldn't be tempted to read the rest of the recommendation. I could see enough of the shape of the paragraphs and sentences, though, to realize he'd written essentially the same recommendation for both of us, with maybe a few details changed. Oh well -- I know that I've done that a few times when I had to write student evaluations, and I don't think the two of us are applying to too many of the same jobs.
Congrats to Beth and Matt!
he bits of mainstream atheism that are about being pissed off at Christianity go right over my head
It's mostly about being pissed off that a set of magical beliefs affect the lives of those of us who don't, you know, believe. And, in general, it's Christian beliefs we are supposed to respect/follow.
Oh, Hil. Glad that one had a happy ending. I really hope your next department is a little less entertaining to read about and a little more efficient.
Congrats, beth! Two decades, woo!
Merry Anything, Everything, or Nothing at all!
I like this.
And now I'm getting distracted by Orrin Hatch's Chanukah song. [link]