Since when can't you buy an assault rifle? Is he complaining he can't buy a fully automatic one?
Sure, you can buy an "assault rifle", but not a
assault rifle, as you can't get one with a huge magazine that lets you kill whole bunches of people at once.
I mean, you gotta have standards, right?
Dude, I don't freaking know. He also tried to pull that whole "let's build a gay bar next to the mosque, har har" and this queer shut him the fuck down. I refuse to let people who don't give a shit about gay rights use the suffering of homosexual Muslims as some bullshit political football and source of easy (homophobic, btw) jokes. And now he's trying to insinuate some kind of pro-muslim conspiracy b/c a Russian Orthodox church's deal fell through with the Port Authority. @@ 4evah.
But he has the right to defend himself against his government, right? Why, why, don't those pesky liberals support my right to have an AK-47 for the day sure to come when the Islamofascist Obama communist state comes breaking down my door?
I have the right to defend my house and family from attacks by Communist China or alien spaceships with this, right?
Why, why, don't those pesky liberals support my right to have an AK-47 for the day sure to come when the Islamofascist Obama communist state comes breaking down my door?
I think an AR-15 is really a better choice.
The thing that gets me about how freaked out the right gets about Obama is that Obama isn't especially liberal. A lot of people on the left are not exactly happy with him.
Both relieved and sad for you, Trudy.
smonster, the urge to block this guy on FB isn't overwhelming yet?
I think Obama, like Bill Clinton, is especially liberal, but understands that the American people are not. IMO, most liberals try to govern from the center when they're in the Oval Office. I don't understand why the same isn't true of most conservatives (at least, it doesn't seem so to me).
A lot of people on the left are not exactly happy with him.
True dat. I won't say I'm *sorry* I voted for him, particularly since the other choice was the grim reaper and the moron. But I voted for Hilary in the primary and I still bitterly regret that she didn't get the nomination. (Though, I should be clear, I was never a PUMA.)
Obama has let me down big time on a lot of things, although, to be fair, a lot of what I feel let down about are things that he didn't actually promise in his campaign. And I knew during the campaign that he's not pro-choice; however, I thought then and still think now that, as a Constitutional scholar, he'll uphold Roe. But that's *almost* a technicality.
Anyway, uh, yeah. DADT. DOMA. Gitmo. On and on and on. Not happy. Not happy at all.
How is Obama not pro-choice, Tep? (Asking, because I half convinced someone to vote for him on the basis of what I perceived to be his pro-choice stance.)