No sign yet from researcher and husband. And, um, the library is about to be closed until September (today is the last day. They've got about 10 hours to find it). Which will leave them with a hell of a fine, even if they'll find the book beforehand.
I feel a little bad about it. Not necessarily responsible, but just bad for how things will probably roll.
Sadly, instead of starting Hollaback Israel today, we're rescheduling (one of my team members is sick, so we'll wait until she'll get better).
And I need to go to the university in person today, but I have to give researcher and husband every opportunity to give the book them, so when/if I'll leave is up to them.
I swear I liked her better when she asked me to find non-existing articles.
UPDATE: They've just found the book!
ION: [link]
"You're thore? I'm tho thore I could hardly pith!
Did you Mom's group steal this from Neil Gaiman? Or did Gaiman grab it from the Zeitgeist.
I vote zeitgeist. I remember finding a collection of joke books and magazines from the '30s-50s in a trunk in my grandparents' basement, which included this Thor limerick from somewhere in the early '40s:
The Thunder God went for a ride
Upon his favorite filly
"I'm Thor!" he cried.
The horse replied,
"You forgot the thaddle, thilly."
I'm pretty sure that thing is taking up brain space that's crowded out Latin noun declensions and Russian verbs and E.E. Cummings poems, curse the miserable thing.
"You're thore? I'm tho thore I could hardly pith!
Did you Mom's group steal this from Neil Gaiman? Or did Gaiman grab it from the Zeitgeist.
I heard it around 1973...
I'm really tempted to post a comment that just says "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE VIKINGS?!?"
I feel this calls for one of those "If you agree leave this as your status for one day" type of memes.
(Many people don't know that THE VIKINGS WERE HERE BEFORE COLUMBUS AND HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE CIVIL WAR OR SOMETHING. If you agree, post this as your status for one day.)
I want to do this. My status updates are always so boring.
I say we do it. I'd join in and just block Tim from seeing my status. Weird little sense of politeness I have, I know.
I'm up for it! Let's do it! I was also thinking about making mine "If your life sucks so much you're on food stamps, I don't begrudge you booze and smokes."
Did you know that Teh Muslims are trying to remove the Holocaust from schools in the UK because it never happened and if we don't watch out the'll do the same to 9/11?!?!?!?!
I just had to Snopes my stepmonster. I hit reply all. I was
close to reply-alling ALL the people who'd been left on that email chain but I controlled myself.
Sigh. The first time I took a what we call here "date B"* after taking date A, and I lost 5 point at it. Didn't fail, but any score under 85 is not ego friendly for me.
It doesn't really affects my total GPA or anything: I can still lose up to 8 points of it and make it into librarianship studies for M.A., but I'm just upset about the energy and the time I wasted trying to understand the professor's fuzzy ideas. Mostly the ones that require to ignore any data given in the graph/question, and follow what we've studied in class (I'm still traumatized by my horrible "mistake" of presuming that 3 is more than 2, which made me write the wrong answer. I wish I was kidding about the fuzzy ideas).
- In Israeli education system, from high-school matriculation exams to university tests, there are costumed two dates to each test: we call it date A and date B. Usually, given a valid reason, one can also ask for a date C.