1. sj, that place looks perfect!!!
2. Not only is there sushi near Pearl Harbor, there is a Shinto shrine.
I'm just...shredded. I can't stop crying. Tomorrow is 3 weeks since Tim's mom went in the hospital, and it's felt like we've been sprinting ever since then. And I'm glad we went on the family trip this weekend, but it was really hard emotionally. So we were looking forward to finally being able to start to chill out (no pun intended). So of course the goddamn a/c goes out. And it's fucking HOT.
And I am so goddamned TIRED.
I feel like I'm being weak and a jackass for being so upset about everything, when Tim needs me to be supportive. I just can't handle this shit.
And all I can think is, oh my god, what next? I've got a toothache that's been nagging for about 10 days, and I'm going to the dentist Friday and I'm worried that it's going to need root canal. I'm constantly worried about my job, not from a standpoint of my own performance (although after the bullshit 2 years ago, I've never *quite* stopped worrying) but more from the standpoint of whether the company will go under. The dalmatian isn't doing well, but we're trying so hard to help her and it just doesn't seem like it's working.
The snakes are going to come through the roof any minute now. I just can't fucking handle any of it.
sj, that is gorgeous! An excellent choice!
Sushi is never in bad taste! Couple of things strike me from that comment, first that sushi is analagous to a mosque. Hee. We like the fish, but it`s not our religion! And secondly, yeah, good to remember there`s still plenty of anti-Japanese sentiment. Guess that should be my catalyst to go figure out how to get invilved with the Japanese-Americans who are fighting against Guantanamo and anti-Muslim sentiment.
Yay, sj and teacup guy.
I say don't tell. But then I just might be than I'm in a fighting mood
Oh, Tep, I`m so sorry. That is a lot piling up on you.
Looks lovely, sj!
Olbermann on the mosque: [link]
Scarborough breaks with GOP: [link]
ETA: Aw Tep. So sorry.
{{{{{Teppy}}}}} You have EARNED your tired and whiny. Feel free to vent here all you need to.
If i could beat up some one for you Steph I would
And wow, I feel like a double jackass for posting all my angst right after sj's post about her wedding, because that is seriously awesome and deserves people squeeing over it, which I actually *am* doing, just in parallel with the angst. Gah.
You've had a helluva week, amyth. I hope your lap heals soon.
Teppy, it's okay to cry. You've had a shitload of stuff happen. It would stress out anyone. Yeah, you want to be there for Tim, but you're human. The fact that you realize that and have tried so hard to bear up is the best you can do. I hope the snakes dropping down from the ceiling turn out to be loads of cash so you can afford to have the AC fixed.
Congrats on settling on a place, sj!