Omnis, neither of us should be up right now. And yet, here we are. What's your excuse? I've managed to competely eff up my sleep schedule a few days before I go back to school. Sigh.
I have been pondering my situation at current school and will perhaps whinge to you all about it tomorrow, but I am still looking forward to the students' returning. My job can be so much fun! I'm focusing on that right now and am boarding the Good Ship Denial about such things as overcrowded classrooms and the return of grading, 5:45am alarm clocks, and difficult parents. Those things are far in the distance, like buoys birds have been shitting on a long time. It's nice here on my boat.
The "Ground Zero mosque" is down the block from my dad's office. The summer after 9/11, when I was home from college, one of the things that made me feel a whole lot better was going to visit that neighborhood and seeing that things were getting back to normal -- people working, shopping, eating, whatever. This desire to turn all of Lower Manhattan into sacred ground is kind of creepy to me. It's not like they're building on the WTC site -- they're building on what used to be a Burlington Coat Factory, and was a Sym's before that.
Boats are good.
I know that, you know that, but stupid hot button tea bagger doesn't quite grasp that concept
Honestly, hot button ANYTHING often fails to grasp the concept. Even on my side. Actually, very often on my side.
And I wish so desperately that it were different.
People get stupid scared and just immediately assume it is a whole of Us versus a whole of Them. It's sadly tragic.
Humans appear to need to have An Enemy. My personal world view doesn't comprehend it* but I understand where it comes from and how it exists as a way of life.
Also I loathe climate change because I really want to be comfortably asleep right now. Well, it's a dual hating climate change and heatwaves which are the stress du jour and insomnia which is ... well, it is.
* I will totally admit insanity though because my personal world view is happy that the Earth will eventually regenerate itself and maybe Life 2.0 will work out better.
eta: why do I never remember the quickedits? Won't someone think of the quickedits? By which I mean both potential porn and grrrrr, why can't I get an asterisks.
Was that when Sparky got married?
after using my highly technical time-measuring device (aka HKFan), I think that it was about 6 years ago. I'd love to see the pics. That was a great wedding (and great people getting married, and great people attending). Except for the pregnancy-sunburn where I looked like Shamu (in patterning).
eta: thanks omnis & plei!
So, um... apparently when you click on the trash folder in gmail, you get helpful recycling tips such as "You can make a lovely hat out of used aluminum foil," at the header, where the Spam recipe links are in the spam folder.
Sox, beautiful picture and great hair!
keep the aliens from hearing your thoughts, also. recycling with purpose!
meara, your trip sounds terrific!
So I comment that thankfully it's not on ground zero, but a couple blocks away, and also thankfully we live in a country with religious tolerance, and that it helps prove we are as advertised.
I've started telling teabaggers that it's a DHS plan to keep the area safe from future Muslim attacks. Because the terrorists aren't going to bomb a mosque.
I figure, if they are too stupid to understand the difference between a mosque and a cultural center, between wacko fundie terrorists and Muslims, and between Ground Zero and Syms discount clothing, why not give them a conspiracy theory to chew on?