Debet, fuck cancer indeed. Sideways. With a chainsaw.
Steph, if you need to cry, then cry. In-laws (legally recognized or otherwise) are part of the family, too. (And if I may toss out an idea, it may help to have a family friend or two designated to help out those who completely lose it and can't get it back.)
I'm sorry, Debet.
Teppy, what everyone said. Cry if you need to, and let Tim comfort you if he can. Sometimes comforting others is a comfort itself.
Fuck cancer, Debet.
Teppy, listen to the wise peoples. However you react, try not to judge it. Tim knows you are there for him, and he knows you are grieving, too.
Oooh, PLUS! Today will be the first time my mom, stepdad, and dad will be meeting Tim's family. FUCKING WEIRD.
Oooh, PLUS! Today will be the first time my mom, stepdad, and dad will be meeting Tim's family. FUCKING WEIRD.
yes, but good for you to have someone there that has you as their priority. If you don't want to break down in front of Tim's family, you can do it with your family.
I suspect I put too much faith in my waterproof mascara. I shouldn't have worn it today. We'll see.
If you don't want to break down in front of Tim's family, you can do it with your family.
This is one of the reasons I love my in-laws so much. When Alex died, they were those people for me.
Happy Birthday Aims.
You do the right thing. A lot. And still are. to Teppy. Just cause I get the feeling she needs to hear it.
And fuck cancer. Cause that does not belong in the same post with my other sentiments.