OMG, so my boss was like, I actually wanted to meet about something else, BUT... "All of that said, it might now be a disservice to both of us to ignore the underlying tone and message of your response. I encourage us to chat about it as well with a positive attitude and goal in mind."
Aims, I think it's time you had some of your own employees, because you have the smarts and the empathy required of a good boss.
You are so sweet!! To be truthful about myself though, I don't think I would make a very good boss. I tend to hover. And just do things myself. Which are things that annoy the shit out of me when I'm an employee. And I can be bad at communication.
Oh lord, Nora. @@ to infinity indeed.
Anyone want to take bets that Nora's boss came up with the other reason for the meeting AFTER they got the email?
Bummer, Nora. And I know this is entirely beside the point but that "I encourage us to chat about it" makes me want to smack him.
To Nora's boss I say, "Go encourage yourself."
OMG, so my boss was like, I actually wanted to meet about something else, BUT... "All of that said, it might now be a disservice to both of us to ignore the underlying tone and message of your response. I encourage us to chat about it as well with a positive attitude and goal in mind."
Ha! Honestly, I think it's good that he picked up on your feelings and wants to clear the air. But it's funny that he wanted to meet about something else.
The thing is, I get called out for dumb ass shit often enough that I'm pretty paranoid. So maybe if he stopped calling me out on all these tiny non-perfect things (that are seriously ridiculous), I wouldn't have jumped to conclusions. Which I will likely say in some form or another.
Maybe its an efficiency thing. If you're not frantic clearly you could be doing more.
I've had bosses who clearly thought that way. But I took a rather malicious joy during a meeting with a boss like that when she said "You ... are handling all of this really well", and I was able to reply with "That's because I'm on anti-anxiety medication now!" (With the very obvious subtext of
look what you drove me to, oh psycho manager.)
Nora, I'm sorry your boss is being a clueless twit.