What about having a dinner party. Invite the parents over. Invite an officiant friend over. Maybe a friend to snap pictures. Only the parents don't realize what's going on. Until it's happening. It could seem incredibly romantic. I dunno. Just a thought. "hey I got this new camera, mind if I snap pictures this evening to test it out?" wine & cheese pre-dinner discussion...At some point one of the parents will say something about getting married. Other friend says "oh hey, I can do that, and oh look I happen to carry the papers around with me" [snap snap of pics] "do you? I do!" badda bing, y'all are hitched, the parents are teary eyed, it's all done.
Nope. I'm really set on just us. If my mom wants to host a little celebratory gathering later, I'll leave that up to her.
So my doctor I saw last Monday looked at my ears and said, "All clear." My ears saw this as a dare. I spent 6 hours in the ER yesterday. I have a double ear infection. I was sent home with a NEW antibiotic, a steroid nasal spray, and percoset so I can sleep.
I missed the annual adult slumber party and oh - just the birth of my FIRST NIECE.
I am furious with myself in so many ways.
Tomorrow is our anniversary. I loved eloping and that we just did it, then went out on our own and got In n Out burger and watched the sunset. And that is exactly what we are going to do tomorrow.
I think the lesson here is that it's awesomest when the wedding is as unique as the couple.
Made it home with sinuses intact and voice gone.
Fall down go boom now.
Oh, dear Nora. Yikes.
Ains, whyfore so angry? The doc screwed up, not you. You trusted his/her diangnosis, and doc was wrong. BAD DOC. Not bad Aims.
Feel better, Barb and Aims.
Sorry to have missed you Barb. Hope the flight home doesn't exacerbate your ick and that it's all better soon.
And all better soon to you too, Aimee. I understand regretting missing the birth, but you have the whole rest of your life to love that little girl, so in the long run it'll be OK.
Mad at myself for not going to the doc sooner like everyone under the sun told me to. Burrell is totally right - I have forever to love her and it was nice that my mom got to be there, I'm just feeling a bit down in the dumpies about it.
Oh Nora! What's going on, love??
Nora, do you need to vent? I'm a little low energy but I can listen if you want to call.