So, the plan is for the sister to decline, him to accept with guest, he won't go, and the sister shows up in his place
Er, what? Does the sister have someone she wanted to bring and can't? Otherwise, just...don't go?
I'd probably have been all "OMG I don't know The Boy's last name!...Facebook to the rescue" or somesuch. But I also don't know that I would've cared that much about "and Guest", or necessarily done anything, since I'd just have assumed you knew and I knew that you were bringing him. more reason I am not yet getting married. Along with the whole "i have no Guest". :)
I wanted to just send out Evites for our reception.
Er, what? Does the sister have someone she wanted to bring and can't? Otherwise, just...don't go?
Apparently, the sister has a boyfriend that she wanted to bring. I am presuming that M (my friend) got a guest because he's been with his boyfriend for 7 years and they live together.
For my theoretical wedding, I will be sending fancy invites (I love stationery) and I will be contacting people for names if I don't already know them.
I will be inviting family members to bring their kids, and I am just going to have casual invites that ask people to indicate how many people they are bringing and how many are kids. (So I'll have a good idea of how much of the yard to devote to kid-friendly activities and dossing down of sleepy younguns later in the evening.)
They will be addressed to (all adult's names) and family.
But this is a very casual late summer backyard reception, so...basically, if D can't be arsed to provide the info for his side of the family, it will be to The -------- Family.
And he's damned well gonna address his family's invites.
I would have sent it to Steph and Tim.
Also, I like velveeta shells and cheese best(although I'm not picky about it.)
Totally bringing Clooney to every wedding from here on out.
If I do a renewal wedding thing for my 25th will you guys bring Clooney?
Once again I would like to iterate that were George Clooney my boyfriend and/or husband
I would share him with my friends.
My friends would not get to
with George Clooney, but he would be available, on a limited basis, for weddings, class reunions, shoulder rubs, foot rubs, showing up at your house in a tux after you've had a hard day and making you a pot of tea and listening to you bitch about your boss...
Clooney rentals. You could make a fortune.