That's a lovely graduation present. I like it when wedding lists include ideas like that, too.
Also, I may swing by the grocery store that has Kraft Mac&Cheese on sale for $0.79/box.
Envious - it's £5 at the American store in Covent Garden. (And maybe I'll go and get some next week regardless.)
Are you serious? Dude, we should just send you a crapload of the cheese packets in the mail. The mac is pretty interchangeable.
Can you buy cheese packets separate from the mac?
You can buy it by the small canister. I can also buy the liquid packets at my local dairy.
I love it. So the buffistas are going to be Seska's new cheesy hook up.
I need to look into buying a canister of that orange cheese myself. I remember Teppy raving about it a while back and feeling pangs of sadness because I've never seen it in the store. But I'm sure I could find it online.
For some reason, the little tiny convenience store on campus (the one with ridiculous high prices because it's run by the university) has the little cheese powder canisters.
odd little question. anyone want to help me hyperventilate my way through a statement of academic purpose? and possibly the GREs (again? because they didn't suck enough 15 years ago?)?