It's taken some creativity and at least four boxes and a lot of turning things sideways or diagonal to get them to fit, but I now have every piece of Rock Band and Wii Fit in boxes! I don't totally remember what's where, and I think I've got pieces of the drum kit in at least three different boxes, and the mic stand in at least two, but it's all in boxes!
woo boxes! I think I have one more to unpack.
Yep, that looks like it's probably the case. They're letting him sleep another hour or so, so I'm down in the cafeteria getting some lunch.
~~~~ma for The Boy;s family including Tep and his mom!!
Glad to hear Pix is eating and Drew is recovering.
Yay Hil! Way to tackle those peripherals.
And word to the wise: Don't ignore a sinus infection for four weeks. Turns out, that leads to Bad Things.
Aims, are they going to make you have a sinusectomy?
Because, seriously, sign me up.
I asked and they said no. Bastards. Turns out you need them to live or some such BULLSHIT.
Total Bullshit.
Someone needs to write up a research proposal.
Much health~ma to the Boy's mother.
Oh Aims! So sorry. Sinus infections are nasty enough to begin with.
So I'm still in the hospital. Drew has been sleeping for the past couple of hours, but his O2 levels have been much more stable. I might be able to take him home in an hour or two. Honestly, right now I'm jealous of his sleep! I only got four hours last night and have been up ever since. Not complaining; just wishing the hospital bed were big enough for both of us.