~ma for your grandfather, smonster.
Cashmere, I tried bribery, food, distraction, and television. Nothing short of magically turning into mommy was going to work with G today for more than 5 minutes. I also tried to get him to nap, which was so not happening despite the fact that he was so tired. He was even still a little cranky when she showed up. We had a nice lunch together and now I am home watching mindless TV.
grandfather ~ma, smonster.
May your grandfather recover smonster.
Nothing short of magically turning into mommy was going to work with G today for more than 5 minutes.
Sometimes, everyone in the world is chopped liver next to Mom. It's one of the perks. I'm glad you're getting to recharge.
Sometimes, everyone in the world is chopped liver next to Mom. It's one of the perks. I'm glad you're getting to recharge.
I'm actually done babysitting, unless TCG and I decide to help them out one night this weekend.
ETA: And I do have to say it is pretty damn charming they way he lights up the minute she walks back in the house.
All~ma for smonster's grandfather.
And TB, it isn't an area of the law I'm famiiliar with. But I wouldn't be surprised if some arm of the Federal government would be interested in death threats being telephoned across state lines. Maybe the Federal Communications Commission.
Happy birthday, Shir!
~ma for your grandfather, smonster.
I skipped 500 posts during Comic-Con. Any earth-shattering news I missed?
I skipped 500 posts during Comic-Con. Any earth-shattering news I missed?
Did you hear/see the counter-protest at Comic-Con?
It's actually a Federal crime, (18 USC 875, I think), and you can still be convicted if you don't actually intend to harm anyone. I wrote a paper on this back in the day regarding the Jake Baker case in Michigan. (guy wrote explicit stories about a real girl in his dorm that included detail fantasies/descriptions of how he would kidnap and torture her using real details about the building, her schedule, etc.)
Belated Birthday Happies, vw!
Happy Interstitial Birthday, Shir!
Much ~ma for your grandfather, smonster.
Recalling an earlier topic- I feel uncomfortable making conversation with someone
eye contact. I don't stare but I need to check in often.