All~ma for smonster's grandfather.
And TB, it isn't an area of the law I'm famiiliar with. But I wouldn't be surprised if some arm of the Federal government would be interested in death threats being telephoned across state lines. Maybe the Federal Communications Commission.
Happy birthday, Shir!
~ma for your grandfather, smonster.
I skipped 500 posts during Comic-Con. Any earth-shattering news I missed?
I skipped 500 posts during Comic-Con. Any earth-shattering news I missed?
Did you hear/see the counter-protest at Comic-Con?
It's actually a Federal crime, (18 USC 875, I think), and you can still be convicted if you don't actually intend to harm anyone. I wrote a paper on this back in the day regarding the Jake Baker case in Michigan. (guy wrote explicit stories about a real girl in his dorm that included detail fantasies/descriptions of how he would kidnap and torture her using real details about the building, her schedule, etc.)
Belated Birthday Happies, vw!
Happy Interstitial Birthday, Shir!
Much ~ma for your grandfather, smonster.
Recalling an earlier topic- I feel uncomfortable making conversation with someone
eye contact. I don't stare but I need to check in often.
skippy skippy - ~ma to all who need it!
Aw, it's baby's first con! [link]
He had a great time!
Aw, it's baby's first con!
SQUEEE! *dies of the cute*