Thank you, all, vetoda, Hil! (And, umm, Hebrew birthday was actually yesterday, Av 14th. But double birthday means you get to try again - August 1st is the Gregorian date).
25. I'm starting to feel old. And evil test season means I don't get to actually celebrate it until mid September.
I know I'm probably the youngest of Bitches. Don't mock me.
Right, back with paper writing.
Happy Birthday season, Shir!
G is driving me crazy. Tons of meltdowns, and he poured water all over the couch with a big smile on his face.
{{sj}} Can G be bribed? Carrots always worked better for me than sticks. Of course, nothing works for me now, but when they were little the bribes helped.
When my kids drove me nuts, I usually got them interested in a messy activity like finger painting or drawing. Then I'd pop them in a bath which always calmed them down and they're easier to corral in a tub.
I'm tempted to ask if there's a back-up plan that involves drowning ....
Much health~ma to your grandfather, smonster.
Yes, my thoughts sent out health ~ma to smonster's grandfather and quester's friend, but my fingers didn't record it.