Awww, I caught up with the posts of couples taking care of each other. Living with another human is tough in so many ways, but when you have a good mate the good times are better and the bad times are easier.
The most dramatic of 'in sickness' episodes of my life was when Stephen was diagnosed with AIDS when we were only married 5 months. His family decided that it was the honorable thing to do for him to release me from my obligation and proceeded to talk him into asking me to run for the hills. They still decades later thank me for being there for him. As if my heart had any other option, as if he wouldn't have taken care of me.
I have made it clear to DH that he has to stay healthy because I could never pick him up if he fell down.
I need more comfy jammies. My MIL gives me sexy negligees all the time, but not stuff I can walk outside in, or around the house with various teenagers around.
We should do a jammies exchange.
argument - just in case non-British folks do not say this
Heh. We do not, but we have picked it up from your television!
And/or books (
The Phantom Tollbooth
covered both Row and Din for me).
We should do a jammies exchange.
Awesome notion. Although I would probably have to abstain, as I was just forcing myself to put some jammies in the Goodwill bag last night since I can barely close my pajama drawer (I went through a mad-pj-buying phase a few years back). Maybe after the New Year...
Last night went to a "Peeling Party" at a local Irish Org - there's a big party this weekend and a couple dozen of us were prepping vegetables for gallons upon gallons of Irish stew. After the stressful week I had at work and the incredibly trying week I had at school, it was so exactly what I needed - hanging out and chatting with agreeable folks, feeling useful while doing mindless, stress-free work. I'm in so much better a brainspace than I was 24 hours ago. Peeling potatoes while discussing broadway shows with a 13-yr-old - I recommend it!
Pajamas are one of the easiest things in the world to sew
I should probably learn how to make them, shouldn't I? And then I could start searching for skull-festooned flannel.
Actually, what I need to sew next is a bunch of pairs of bloomers, so I can get back to embroidering words like "cranky" and "snarky" on them.
waves at everyone
Look, peoples! Peoples I like! Work is slowly devouring me, which seems unfair of a job that is only going to last another month. Ah, contract work.
waves at overwhelmed jilli
I should probably learn how to make them, shouldn't I? And then I could start searching for skull-festooned flannel.
I bought the cutest skull flannel pj's for my nephew for his birthday this month.
I really want to learn to sew as well.
Oh man here's a site I just got from the Telegraph site:
Awkward Family Photos
Oh lordy, save us from Photoshop: [link]
Bacon suits! [link]
Well. It's done. Via email. Go on, judge me.
See, what happened was KBD asked me last night on the phone if everything was okay, and I am a shitty liar and hate doing it so we got into it for three hours (until 2 am). Me flat out telling him I didn't love him didn't seem to phase him. I spent today miserable and confused but with the help of some very good friends and helpful DBT skills, I got clear.
And since in person didn't work, and phone didn't work, email it was.
Given that he's tried to call me twice in the five minutes since I sent the email, after I specifically asked for three days of radio silence, I think I made the right decision.