Scrappy, things like this happen to the best of us. I had a case of the stomach flu last year, while driving home, which ended with my with my key in the lock of my front door, sweat RUNNING down my face, a demon chomping on my bowels,and...well.
And I LIKED those shoes. IMS.
I wanted to update about my CT Scan. The Scan itself was fine.
Trying to drink the barium suspension was the worst torture. I had 2 bottles totally 30 ozs. I maybe was able to get half the first bottle down. I can still feel it and taste. Plus the copay was $200!! I'm hoping that the CT scan shows something because if it doesn't I'm going to be so frustrated.
Scrappy, that hasn't exactly happened to me but today I did puke at my desk due to the horrid chocolately fudge barium suspension that was neither chocolately nor fudge.
Yay, I am so happy. Even though I was still sick at home today, my boss wrote to me about next year's budget plan. I wrote back that I'd like to promote one of my reports to "senior manager" and she approved it right away. I can't wait to give him his review and promotion in January!!!
It really is. This is the guy whose family lost all of their belongings recently in a fire in the Philippines, so he's due for some good news.
Yeah, R was born and raised in the States, but his mother and father's family are mostly still there. They had a 60 year old compound with a number of older homes, all owned and lived in by extended family, including R's parents. On All Souls Day, apparently someone lit a candle as part of a ritual (it's guessed) and left it untended.
Curse you, wee Connie! That's one mother of an earworm you just transmitted via text! :)
Hey, I have to live with it.
Could be worse. Could be the Voldemort of Disneyland songs.
Why have I never had a boss like javachik?
The barium is indeed disgusting. I hope they find something that's easily fixable.