I wanted to update about my CT Scan. The Scan itself was fine.
Trying to drink the barium suspension was the worst torture. I had 2 bottles totally 30 ozs. I maybe was able to get half the first bottle down. I can still feel it and taste. Plus the copay was $200!! I'm hoping that the CT scan shows something because if it doesn't I'm going to be so frustrated.
Scrappy, that hasn't exactly happened to me but today I did puke at my desk due to the horrid chocolately fudge barium suspension that was neither chocolately nor fudge.
Yay, I am so happy. Even though I was still sick at home today, my boss wrote to me about next year's budget plan. I wrote back that I'd like to promote one of my reports to "senior manager" and she approved it right away. I can't wait to give him his review and promotion in January!!!
It really is. This is the guy whose family lost all of their belongings recently in a fire in the Philippines, so he's due for some good news.
Yeah, R was born and raised in the States, but his mother and father's family are mostly still there. They had a 60 year old compound with a number of older homes, all owned and lived in by extended family, including R's parents. On All Souls Day, apparently someone lit a candle as part of a ritual (it's guessed) and left it untended.
Curse you, wee Connie! That's one mother of an earworm you just transmitted via text! :)
Hey, I have to live with it.
Could be worse. Could be the Voldemort of Disneyland songs.
Why have I never had a boss like javachik?
The barium is indeed disgusting. I hope they find something that's easily fixable.
Scrappy, I have been there, done that, pooped in those pants on that bathroom floor.
I have a saintly BF who calmly cleaned the floor and me up and tucked me back in bed. He can never leave me now, because he's seen me poop my pants and cannot be allowed to live unmonitored with that knowledge.