Oh Just call us when you feel yourself slipping into a coma. Just warn me so I stop drinking rum and can drive.
BWAH!!! Best Buffista love EVER. This is so going to be COMM'd.
Btw, Happy Belated Birthday to darling Emeline, who cannot POSSIBLY by five. That is un-possible.
Java, long distance hugs coming your way. I'm sorry about your ears. Fwiw, I've had similar issues with eustachian tube dysfunction, and it really does usually resolve itself with allergy meds.
Thanks, Pix!
Fwiw, I've had similar issues with eustachian tube dysfunction, and it really does usually resolve itself with allergy meds.
Oh wow that is great to hear. Well, if I could hear.
It's still annoying as hell in the meantime, though.
Wake Up With Hugh Laurie! [link]
(You can tell I've finished my dissertation. I'm posting his ridiculous songs again.)
Bleargh. I'm awake. Not supposed to take more pain meds for another hour, but might anyway.
Also, I just checked my email, and I've got another job interview. So far, every school that's shown interest in me is in Georgia.
(You can tell I've finished my dissertation. I'm posting his ridiculous songs again.)
Welcome back!
Bleargh. I'm awake. Not supposed to take more pain meds for another hour, but might anyway.
I hope you got some rest.
We desire you in GA, Hil. Getting interview requests is great in this academic budget year.
Georgia is good. If you need to come to Atlanta for interviews, I have a guest room.