A nice T-day. Went to BIL's house. We ate outside and the weather was delightful. Tons of food. Turkey, Ham, a couple lasagnas, rice, some other meat stuff, lots of veggies and salad, way too much other stuff. Pie! Key lime, pumpkin, a couple cheesecake varieties, carrot cake. There was pool playing, and video games, and wine, and laughter.
I ate sparingly because I didn't want to be uncomfortable. We brought home a ridiculous amount of leftovers. Easily 10 pounds of turkey and ham and I don't even eat the stuff. That should keep the boys busy a while and I'll just have to feed myself. There was rice and mashed potatoes in there too.
We decided Christmas dinner at my house. Yay! Gives me an excuse to go crazy decorating. And meal planning. Yum.
Much ~ma for your sister, Daniel. How scary.
Schmecky the Man Pony is talking about getting married? Weird
They should work it into the ceremony. "Do you take this Man-Pony to be your lawfully wedded Schmacky?"
I knew I had that slightly wrong, but I was too lazy to couldn't find the right version.
Thanks Laura.
I've had an update and amended the post accordingly.
Dinner was yum! Everything was awesome. Standout item was yams with pecans & cinnamon. To die for!!
We had dinner with The Boy's family, and dessert with mine. I am full full FULL. The fridge is full of leftovers, and I'm slouching towards bed.
Dinner was mmmm and now Cass is sleepy. But I've still got guests so I am lounging with a fire going and have plied them all with liquor.
Our dinner with friends was wonderful. My parents were there, there were cute babies to play with, wonderful conversation, and I finished embroidering "cranky" on a pair of bloomers.
Schmacky the man pony!
I've always wondered, where
Kara pick up Fake Yiddish? I mean, I grew up in northern New Jersey so we "invented" "Yiddish" words with some frequency. Kara is some sort of Midwestern Fake Yiddish prodigy.