I am happily reading the paper and cutting out coupons in preparation for insanely early shopping tomorrow.
I am in awe of the people who do the Black Friday thing. Perhaps, if I really needed something big like a TV or washer/dryer, and I knew a store had it at a really good price, I *might* brave Black Friday. But maybe not. I loathe crowds beyond all reason.
One of my friends adores Black Friday shopping. Every year she has a game plan of which stores to go to when, and exactly what she plans to get at each store, and she always has a successful shopping day. Organizational skills of General Patton, I tell you what.
Steph, I loathe the crowds too, but it's sort of a tradition for Mom and I. We go to the mall and get the best deals at the department stores while everyone else is at the big box stores, and we head home as soon as it starts to get really crowded.
Happy Thanksgiving, all!
And a very Happy Birthday to Daisy Jane!!
Happy Thanksgiving, all!
Happy Birthday, Daisy Jane!
I pretty much finished all my cooking. Now my mom's making the turkey. I made a squash and chestnut casserole, and green bean mushroom casserole. Yesterday, I made pumpkin pie. Later on today will be stuffing and mashed potatoes.
I knew it was Thursday. (Always a four-day weekend, right?)
Unless you work for a company that makes their employees work the day after Thanksgiving...
The butternut squash soup is simmering on the stove smelling yummy. Otherwise I am trying to stay out of Mom's way.
I'm still in my pj's, watching Top Chef reruns.
We'll load up the car and go to my friend's house in another hour or so.
The prosecco is opened! The celebrating can officially begin.