Todd, I'm glad you're mom is better. However, I can't even begin to understand your insurance company.
{{{Seska}}} I know it's so stressful, but you've done greatness till now. Just from the tidbits you're releasing here, you're making a difference - and I'm sure your thesis has so much more to it than what a tired, busy brain like mine can understand from reading your posts, once in while (I still got some of those marked, for future reading. Soon I'll need RSS of marked posts in It's just a little bit more, and you can do this.
GC, A Ton Of ~ma to your meeting. I'm crossing my fingers for you.
ION. I'm somewhat tired. Dad said he'll go to the demonstration with me (the first in his life. Also, my dad? Is actually an anarchist, which is one of the core things in his personalty. Also a librarian, well informed in history and English literature and a huge influence on me. You get the point).
Tonight, I'm disturbed by my ability to come up with an historical argument. I can come up with good ideas/suggestions, but can't formulate them into academic arguments. That's not good. In my first year I was a star in the classroom. This year? I'm starting to talk, my professors tries to lead me on a certain path, and I become silent, unable to continue my thought. Not sure what I can do about it in the immediate future. I get a blank mind, not sure even from where to begin answering their question.
Anyhow, got French and Rome homework before I'll crash to sleep.
and a pox on insurance companies . That is just stupid.
Effing insurance companies. I'm sorry for the madness, Toddson and smonster.
Sometimes I think we should use RICO on the insurance industry.
Something that scares the Mafia might be strong enough.
Really, can we just have a blanket smite?
No. The conservative side of the Senate doesn't want us to have such nice things.
Does this sound okay as a thank you email to my co-workers (they had my work shower on Thursday and it was really really nice)?
Thank you all so much for such a wonderful shower and the crazy generous gifts. We have already put the stroller base together and wheeled the car seat around the house as well as testing the monitor and our plan for the baby gates. Not to mention admiring the adorable clothes and bear, and placing the sweet trinket box on baby’s dresser. What a great mix of baby necessities and fun stuff! We love it all!
We had a blast at the shower with those of you who are local, and missed those of you who are not. I am so lucky to work with such a fun and caring group of people. Special thanks to DS for hosting and making such great food!
Thank you all so much!
Toddson, your insurance company is pure evil.
Thanks for all the calm -ma. I have the gift wrapped, and I am working on telling my brain to chill.
Sounds good, Glam.
Which reminds me I need to get something for my niece. She and my nephew are big on swimming and live on a lake. I was thinking of a swimming float like this [link]
She is due in February so the baby should be ready for lake fun by summer. Since they are in NY I can't easily see what they have already.
Then I get a letter from my insurance company saying that they're not covering my appendectomy. Reason? I was healthy afterwards. Turns out that they're objecting to my having been admitted to the hospital - they think that, since I was healthy and didn't have any complications, I should have been put in an observation room for a few hours and then sent home ... which would have been at about 2:00am. So, due to this objection, they're not paying for any of it. $19K and change. I spoke with the hospital and they're writing it off as uncollectable, which is a relief, since I don't have that kind of money lying around.
That's totally fucked up. I would make sure that it doesn't affect your credit rating. If it appears on your credit report, write a letter of explanation and keep all of the paperwork.
Then I get a letter from my insurance company saying that they're not covering my appendectomy. Reason? I was healthy afterwards.
I'm not a doctor, but...isn't being healthy afterwards kind of the point of surgery? At least the hospital is being reasonable about it.