But I don't want MY tax dollars paying for that, they say.
I don't want my tax dollars paying for some 70 year old jackhole to have sex with the 30 year old woman that he left his wife for, but compromises must be made in order to make sure that my tax dollars pay for the waitress who needs health care.
And I don't want mine paying Joe Lieberman's salary
Oh, good one. I wonder if I can sue retroactively over Gingrich and Santorum.
And, you know, if it gets too crazy, the heart attack will probably kill him anyway.
(gosh, I can't believe I'm still so single. Or that D'Hoffryn hasn't called me yet.)
If the pharmaceutical companies made as much on abortions as they do on Viagra the call for funding might be skewed differently.
The issue with Kennedy and communion dates back a couple years. Not sure on why it is being released now. Apparently the bishop told Kennedy he should refrain from taking the sacrament, but didn't forbid it or tell priests they shouldn't provide him communion.
Ah politics. I don't want to be at work. I would much rather be home cooking. Food talk making me hungry...
The issue with Kennedy and communion dates back a couple years. Not sure on why it is being released now. Apparently the bishop told Kennedy he should refrain from taking the sacrament, but didn't forbid it or tell priests they shouldn't provide him communion.
I think it was minor news a few years ago in RI when it happened. Or at least it sounds vaguely familiar to me. Ridiculousness.
I'm trying to convince my brain that seeing friends tonight is not a reason to panic. Stoopid brain.
OB update: I have an appointment with a new OB on Wednesday! Here's hoping it goes well and I can switch. He has great reviews and just the fact that he's willing to see me at 35 weeks when so many aren't I'm thinking are good signs. I so hope I can get the hell away from my current OB! Please to send the ~ma my way Wednesday.
Good luck, GC! That would be so wonderful if you can switch.
I so hope I can get the hell away from my current OB! Please to send the ~ma my way Wednesday.
All my ~ma are belong to you!