Yeah, I'd say 80% of Thanksgiving dinner is vegetarian anyway, or can easily be so without shaking things up too much. Vegan takes more planning but still hardly insurmountable. The year we had raw foodies at T-day was another story but they were mostly happy to take care of their own needs and not worry about the rest of us.
We've got (at last count) 23 for Thanksgiving this year. I feel like I should start cooking now.
I would send an e-mail saying, look, you're out of the office until after my deadline, and because of that, please note the date of this e-mail and consider it my official week's notice.
It's a good plan (though it will cause chaos in the office, as my other two extension requests did), but I'm still um-ing and ah-ing about whether to ask for more time. I don't really have a good reason, except ongoing stuff that meant I couldn't do the quality of work I wanted to do. Really, I'd need another six months and a total change of approach to the project if I were going to achieve that. Which isn't going to happen. Also, if by some miracle I still get an overall distinction (despite this crappy dissertation), I might want to apply to this department for PhD funding. It would be nice if I could create the illusion that I can complete work, in support of my application, rather than looking like the flaky mess that needs three extensions before she can write a dissertation.
Vortex, my family have a thing about spending the night at holidays, too. Which makes a bit more sense with the ones who live three hours drive away, and far less sense with the London-based ones. We've taken to staying in local hotels (this year, even for Christmas), but that's mainly because everyone has stairs. But having a hotel to retreat to at the end of the day is always a really good thing.
But having a hotel to retreat to at the end of the day is always a really good thing.
yeah, that's an issue as well. To be
honest about it, I really loved being there for breakfast, and watching my niece tear through the presents, etc. But, the overnight bit was exhausting. Plus, I have to have everything done before I arrive (presents wrapped, desserts made, etc.). And my family tends to procrastinate, so my mom is all "oh, you're all done with your wrapping, and you don't seem to be doing anything right now . . ."
OMG JESS! Ruhlman's doing a Ratio iPhone App!
I know! Could my fangirling possibly be any greater?
Maybe if he showed up with Tony Bourdain at my house to install it?
On another note, why is it national news that someone in the Kennedy family was denied communion? I don't know who or why, I remember hearing something about it on the news radio station last night, and there it was as top story on CNN. WTF?
why is it national news that someone in the Kennedy family was denied communion?
Because the Catholic Church is one of the forces pushing the abortion issue in the health care bill. The House had to include the "no public coverage for abortions" rule in order to get it passed.