But having a hotel to retreat to at the end of the day is always a really good thing.
yeah, that's an issue as well. To be
honest about it, I really loved being there for breakfast, and watching my niece tear through the presents, etc. But, the overnight bit was exhausting. Plus, I have to have everything done before I arrive (presents wrapped, desserts made, etc.). And my family tends to procrastinate, so my mom is all "oh, you're all done with your wrapping, and you don't seem to be doing anything right now . . ."
OMG JESS! Ruhlman's doing a Ratio iPhone App!
I know! Could my fangirling possibly be any greater?
Maybe if he showed up with Tony Bourdain at my house to install it?
On another note, why is it national news that someone in the Kennedy family was denied communion? I don't know who or why, I remember hearing something about it on the news radio station last night, and there it was as top story on CNN. WTF?
why is it national news that someone in the Kennedy family was denied communion?
Because the Catholic Church is one of the forces pushing the abortion issue in the health care bill. The House had to include the "no public coverage for abortions" rule in order to get it passed.
The communion denying was because of policy stance of the Congressman (I think) in question. Which I thought the Catholic church explicitly didn't do 20-30 years ago, but I may be remembering that wrong.
Because the Catholic Church is one of the forces pushing the abortion issue in the health care bill.
do not EVEN get me started on that. It's fucking legal! I completely respect that some people disagree on the moral rightness of it, but the fact is that it is legal. If a Jehovah's Witness said that the health care bill shouldn't cover vaccinations because they were against their religious tenets, would that be okay? And why the fuck are they covering Viagra? Unless there is a married, childless couple who is actively trying to have a child, using viagra for sexual purposes is a sin.
Oh, wait, I kinda got started didn't I? Sorry.