Hec, I'll prouldy support you and order a t-shirt in size large, please!
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Mocking me using a Billy Joel reference is just weird. Just like comma hating.
Also, people, do you think Oz was pro serial comma or against it?
"Serial comma? New York Times Stylebook, bitches!"
My shirt will just have to be "Pro serial comma, bitches". [Shir Stylebook]
When P-Cow's career advances to where he's the science writer for the New York Times, he can twist in consistent agony as his editor prunes all the serial commas out.
My career currently requires me to follow the AMA Manual of Style, which is pro-serial comma. I wrote a whole musical comedy about it.
When P-Cow's career advances to where he's the science writer for the New York Times, he can twist in consistent agony as his editor prunes all the serial commas out.
It could be worse. I'm now in a position where I have to be the one pruning them all out. It was one of the hardest things to get used to at this job, seriously.
I had a boss who told me it was perfectly understandable that I might make the mistake of thinking that the serial comma was necessary. That was much more irritating than having her just tell me they were wrong. I'm pretty sure I just became passive aggressive about the whole thing, instead of sucking it up.
t sits in corner, gently patting the ellipsis and crooning "there, there, don't mind the serial comma talk, I think you're very special...."
My career currently requires me to follow the AMA Manual of Style, which is pro-serial comma.
t makes AMA gesture of solidarity
sits in corner, gently patting the ellipsis and crooning "there, there, don't mind the serial comma talk, I think you're very special....">
Don't die, davers. Seriously.
HA HA the lurkers support us in the thread.If they have DElurked, then they are no longer a lurker. And to show support in the thread, one must post, thus DElurking, therefore, you can not support this argument.
And on a more serious question, when does d-e-l-u-r-k- spell "grammar"?? :: rolls eyes at group :: But if we are going to argue typographical standards, I look at erikaj's post and see:
But I may have a parenthetical addiction(Not that there's anything wrong with that.)and ask, does punctuation go INSIDE the ) or outside the )?? But maybe we should take that discussion (with the others) to Bitches so folks who are too intimidated to jump into a million post discussion, can happily say "Hello, I am ___ ".
::Leaps merrily into the delurking thread, eager to greet the lurkers who came forth in the 64 posts since I was last here::
::Reads a 64 post debate about the serial comma::
I use to care about the serial comma, people. And you've broken me. Broken me.
::Wanders off to see if anyone's delurked in Bitches by mistake::