Welcome Sying.
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Hi Sying! I'm so glad you delurked.
it gets scarier, the longer you wait but it also becomes weird to lurk for so long
This is so TRUE and at least partly why I hadn't delurked.
I haven't quite figured out what to do next, but I'm happy I've said hello and introduced myself. And I'm glad you have too!
Everyone is friendly and welcoming especially here in this thread. I know it's been said, but brilliant idea!
Hi, Sying! (Feeling a bit embarrassed of my tag right now...the chief of staff should feel lucky he never had to even pay lip service to the idea of being A Nice Girl.) Ah, well, you'll find out about me soon enough.
Hello, Sying! So glad to meet you!
Sying's number is 115. That's a lotta lurking.
Welcome, welcome! Dah who dahmus!
Welcome, Sying! A fellow European Buffista - excellent!
(I did love your way of describing your partiality to Bones!)
Music-wise, Bruce Springsteen has been the love of my life,
I saw the Boss last night. It was epic. They played for three hours. My sister and I both heard our not-expected very favorite songs (she, Rosalita, me, Bobby Jean). It was heaven.
Have you seen him? Should we mail him to the Netherlands ASAP?
I've never seen him either.
Have you seen him?
I saw him back in the Born in the USA days...1984/5-ish. Mile High Stadium. It was a fantastic concert.
Thank you all for the warm welcome posts.
He's toured here and still I've never seen Bruce Springsteen live. Sadly. I hope I still get a chance to do so in the future.
Should we mail him to the Netherlands ASAP?
Wow, this delurking thing is really starting to pay off! Yes, please!