Have you seen him?
I saw him back in the Born in the USA days...1984/5-ish. Mile High Stadium. It was a fantastic concert.
Have you seen him?
I saw him back in the Born in the USA days...1984/5-ish. Mile High Stadium. It was a fantastic concert.
Thank you all for the warm welcome posts.
He's toured here and still I've never seen Bruce Springsteen live. Sadly. I hope I still get a chance to do so in the future.
Should we mail him to the Netherlands ASAP?
Wow, this delurking thing is really starting to pay off! Yes, please!
Welcome, Sying!
Welcome, Sying!
Welcome Sying!
Hiya, Sying!
Welcome Sying!
You guys made me want a "pro serial comma" t-shirt.
You guys made me want a "pro serial comma" t-shirt.
Pfft. That's like proclaiming your love for Billy Joel.
I love Billy Joel.
The serial comma is the Lou Reed of punctuation.
(ION, fucking COOL.)
I still need to buy a semi-colon shirt.