Isn't it?
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Thanks for all the good wishes, guys!
SJ, I'm still so bummed I didn't get to see you and VW and the little ones when I was in MA. We got snowed with family stuff and I found out I was pregnant the night before our flight, which was a whole other pile of stuff! I'm sure we'll be back over at some point next year though.
No worries, Jars. We'd love to see you anytime, but I understand that family stuff comes first.
Hey everybody!! It's so fun to hear from long-lost Buffistas!
Hey everyone!
Been awhile. Still in Toronto, if anyone is passing through and would like to beverage or needs a friendly native guide. Working for the (provincial/state) government, although I can dimly see the light at the end of that tunnel. Living downtown and loving it ( I do value peace and quiet but I forget what that's like). I'm involved with a fan group for the local soccer team and we do a lot of socializing as a group away from the games. I need to poke around and see what folks are talking about here these days (Westworld?), as I hadn't been in some of my subscribed threads since 2007. (eep!) *waves*
waves back
We have family in Toronto that we have never met so a visit is going to happen at some point. I've only been there once and was delighted. Good to see your pixels!
Hi, JohnSweden! Good to see you too!
John, it's good to see you!
Aims! Shane is at an IB school this year and we LOVE it so much!
I've tried to poke in now and again, but I guess I've been lurkery because it's hard to cannonball into the middle of a discussion.
#BoozAllenisDeadtoMe and I'm my own boss now, with one employee other than me but several contracts and a few subject matter experts I pull in from time to time. Despite that change, I'm still running the same project that I took from a startup inside the government to a big deal; we got namechecked in the White House' Best in Class list this year and were shortlisted for SXSW. (I don't think we got in, but another panel I'm supporting did, so now I'm trying to find a place to stay in Austin during SXSW).
Still married, still have one precocious-yet-often-dumbass son, who is somehow 11 and in 6th grade. Still haven't seen Hamilton.
Miss you guys - it's good to see you.